Introduction to Tourism Branding
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Tourism Branding sentence examples within Smart Tourism Branding
Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the implementation of the
Smart Tourism Branding concept in Bantul city, Indonesia, during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
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The purpose of this paper is to explore how smart tourism branding strategies have been implemented to communicate relevant values, benefits and attributes to industry stakeholders through institutional websites.
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Tourism Branding sentence examples within tourism branding strategy
The article presents the components of the image of tourism destinations in the Russian Arctic, which can become the basis for tourism branding strategy.
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The purpose of this paper is to explore how smart tourism branding strategies have been implemented to communicate relevant values, benefits and attributes to industry stakeholders through institutional websites.
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The identification of these descriptors enables to indicate the content, intrinsic features, functions, and processes of the tourism branding of Ukraine.
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The aim of this research was therefore to formulate a tourism communication strategy design in Mandalika priority destinations, through the tourism branding of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.
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The results showed that KIM Gatmedia gave a significant impact for the community in the social, cultural, and economic through their communication activities for tourism branding.
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The analysis results showed that two coastal geomorphosites could be developed into ecotourism spots, as supported by East Lombok’s regional planning to promote ecotourism in its tourism branding.
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Strategies that can be carried out in developing agro-tourism are: (1) increasing community involvement, (2) adding animal husbandry attractions and coffee processing in tour packages, (3) adding supporting facilities that are not yet available, (4) synchronizing agro-tourism development programs with stakeholders, (5) training human resources in internet technology-based tourism management, (6) partnerships in promotion and marketing with travel agents, (7) improving service quality, (8) creating community-based and sustainable agro-tourism branding, and (9) promotional cooperation with other tourist objects.
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The results of the study show that the Aceh Government has seen great opportunities in the tourism sector, especially from halal tourism, but what remains a challenge until now is that the Government of Aceh has not resolved problems related to tourism governance, tourism destination development and tourism branding.
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The major themes that we had proposed to deal with in the Special Section included (i) more refined appreciations of the nature of place branding (particularly as opposed to tourism branding), (ii) the relationship between place branding and sustainability (including social sustainability), (iii) place branding through digital means, (iv) the concept of the ‘Smart City’ and how that affects city branding, (v) stakeholder (dis)engagement, (vi) the problem of over-tourism and (vii) place branding in times of crisis.
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From the perspective of innovation, the current issue of China’s tourism development is the insufficient development of tourism branding, which leads to the homogeneity phenomenon of tourism goods and services.
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The recent strategy to attract diverse tourists as multipliers to consume and spread the AKP’s identity narratives demonstrates the political nature of tourism branding.
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The role of multimedia is expected to be able to provide many benefits in the exchange of information, technology in aspects of life, culture, politics and social economy, especially for the development of ecotourism branding in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
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This study emerges from the need to understand if marketing strategies consider heritage symbols and signs in tourism branding and image building.
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