Introduction to Temporally Predictable
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Temporally Predictable sentence examples within temporally predictable event
While temporal expectations (TE) generally improve reactions to temporally predictable events, it remains unknown how the learning of temporal regularities (one time point more likely than another time point) and explicit knowledge about temporal regularities contribute to performance improvements; and whether any contributions generalise across modalities.
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Electro-encephalography (EEG) signals were recorded in PD and control groups during speech vowel production and button press tasks in response to temporally predictable and unpredictable visual stimuli.
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However, sensory attenuation has also been observed outside the context of voluntary action, namely when stimuli are temporally predictable.
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21 patients with spider phobia and 21 healthy controls underwent a temporally predictable/unpredictable phobic and neutral anticipation and confrontation paradigm using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and ROI analyses.
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We used a combination of behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) measures to characterize motor timing deficits in patients with PD compared with a neurologically intact matched control group during randomized speech vowel vocalization and button press motor reaction time tasks in response to temporally predictable and unpredictable sensory stimuli.
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Sound presentations were temporally predictable (3 Hz rate), but were occasionally omitted.
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The experiment involved two groups of older and younger adults who performed randomized speech vowel vocalization and button press motor reaction time tasks in response to temporally predictable and unpredictable visual stimuli.
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Many species of groupers form transient fish spawning aggregations (FSAs) that are both spatially and temporally predictable, making them highly vulnerable to fishing.
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We conclude that OTR neurotransmission in the BNSTdl plays a pivotal role in strengthening fear learning of temporally predictable, signaled threats.
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