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Stress Enhancement sentence examples within Field Stress Enhancement

A New Approach to Study Partial Discharge Inception due to Particles in Transformer Oil Using Electric Field Analysis

Stress enhanced tensile fractures in elliptical clast in conglomerate

Stress Enhancement sentence examples within Electric Stress Enhancement

Space Charge Behavior in PE under High Pressure and High Voltage over Long Time

A Study on Effect of Protrusion Geometry on the 400kV XLPE Cable Degradation

Stress Enhancement sentence examples within Yield Stress Enhancement

Selected papers from the 15th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions (ERMR2016), Incheon, Korea, 4–8 July 2016: Part 3

Iron–sepiolite magnetorheological fluids with improved performances

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Study of the effective parameters on welding residual stress relaxation in aluminum cylindrical shells under cyclic pressure

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Stress Enhancement