Introduction to Store Type
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The variety of store types in the licensed system allowed drinkers to select stores based on convenience, selection or prices, so that travel times increased for some buyers, presumably those seeking lower prices or a wider selection.
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The present study sought to establish a baseline for ID checks in Columbus prior to T21 enforcement and to examine whether store type and marketing were associated with better rates of ID checks.
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Store type was a stronger predictor of stores having missing 'healthy' and 'unhealthy' food items than the store distance from a large urban centre.
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Iodised salt availability was determined by a shelf survey of 89 supermarket stores on the island of Ireland (n = 30 in Northern Ireland and n = 59 in the Republic of Ireland) from September 2018 to January 2019, to take into account factors such as store type, location, population density, socioeconomic status and ethnicity.
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Differences by store type, beverage sweetener status (sugarsweetened, artificially sweetened, or unsweetened), and beverage size (individual or family size) were examined and were compared with beverage sales data from Baltimore, Maryland, which served as a control city without a beverage tax.
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Differences by store type, beverage sweetener status, and beverage size were examined.
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Linear regression models, clustered on store, were run to estimate associations between price per ounce and product characteristics, neighborhood (linked by census tract) characteristics, store type, and site.
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BackgroundWe examined the indoor air quality (IAQ) perceptions of workers and their relationships with the symptoms of sick-building syndrome (SBS) and store types in underground shopping centers.
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Store type was strongly associated with customers’ purchase of fruits or vegetables.
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Ordinary least squares regressions modeled prices as a function of neighborhood demography, adjusting for store type.
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The number of GF foods within each food category and the cost per 100 g of GF and gluten-containing (GC) foods were compared by store type.
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Unfortunately, research efforts in the literature either consider differences from a theoretical point of view (without real use cases), or address performance issues such as speed and storage, which is insufficient to give researchers deep insight into the mapping of a given data structure to a given NoSQL datastore type.
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We then calculated the tobacco promotion index for each retailer and made comparisons based on store types.
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6 to examine the spatial distribution of stores in relation to sociodemographic factors and generate descriptive statistics to examine HFAI score differences across the communities, sociodemographic composition, and store types at the block group level.
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Using generalized estimating equations, we examined the association between WIC and SNAP authorization and presence of tobacco marketing, adjusted for store type and neighborhood demographics.
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Differences by store type, beverage sweetener status, and beverage size were examined.
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However, efficiency of this food waste avoidance action can be improved by knowing for which product category, which store type, which accompanying communication, and which consumer characteristics this action works best.
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Therefore, investigation influence of store type on the emotional state of consumers in the urban purchase provides significant reserve for marketing development in this sphere.
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Tobacco ads by store type and municipality were analyzed using summary statistics and contingency tables.
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The purpose of this paper is to identify men’s clothing market segments based on store types and generational cohorts and the retail attributes.
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Store characteristics (including store type, size, ownership, or rurality) did not predict food prices.
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This paper adopts the communication and persuasion model to focus on whether short video information presentation has a significantly positive impact on sales volume, and whether brand awareness or store type have a moderating effect on the relationship between short video information presentation and sales volume respectively, then if so, how do they moderate it.
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Purchasing behaviors assessed for spirits were the frequency of purchasing and the travel time, unit cost, bottle size and store type from the respondents most recent purchase.
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This study aimed to investigate whether access to healthy foods varies according to store types and the socioeconomic status of the users of the public health promotion program in Brazil, known as the Health Academy Program.
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Analyses determined the extent to which stores met all or part of the stocking requirements and tested differences by store type.
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The present study aimed to determine the store types from which people in low-income neighbourhoods purchase most sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and to identify associations between purchasing location and demographic characteristics.
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