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Purkinje Neurons with Loss of STIM1 Exhibit Age-Dependent Changes in Gene Expression and Synaptic Components

A novel bi‐allelic loss‐of‐function mutation in STIM1 expands the phenotype of STIM1‐related diseases

Store Operated sentence examples within Distinct Store Operated

Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase Regulates Stoichiometry of CD4+ T-Cell Compartments

Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase (PMCA) Regulates Stoichiometry of CD4+ T-cell Compartments

Store Operated sentence examples within store operated ca2

Plasma Membrane Calcium ATPase Regulates Stoichiometry of CD4+ T-Cell Compartments

Three-Dimensional Model of Sub-Plasmalemmal Ca2+ Microdomains Evoked by the Interplay Between ORAI1 and InsP3 Receptors

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Store Operated sentence examples within store operated calcium

Epstein-Barr virus noncoding small RNA (EBER1) induces cell proliferation by up-regulating cellular mitochondrial activity and calcium influx.

ORAI3 silencing alters cell proliferation and promotes mitotic catastrophe and apoptosis in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

Store Operated sentence examples within store operated channel

Human Osteoblast Migration in DC Electrical Fields Depends on Store Operated Ca2+-Release and Is Correlated to Upregulation of Stretch-Activated TRPM7 Channels

Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Ureteric Smooth Muscle: Mechanisms Driving Ureteric Peristalsis.

Keeping pain away by distancing the plasma membrane from the endoplasmic reticulum

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TRPC channel-derived calcium fluxes differentially regulate ATP and flow-induced activation of eNOS.

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Store Operated