Introduction to Store Loyalty
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Store Loyalty sentence examples within Grocery Store Loyalty
This development of loyalty has developed well in minimarkets that grow around grocery stores so that the development of grocery store loyalty requires attention and in-depth understanding.
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The Primary Care Shopping Intervention for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention (PC-SHOP) study aims to test the effect of an intervention for people with raised low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol involving health professional (HP) advice alone, or in combination with personalised feedback based on nutritional analysis of grocery store loyalty card data, on SFA intake and blood lipids in comparison with no intervention.
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Store Loyalty sentence examples within store loyalty card
Results Participants provided responses related to sharing their store loyalty card data (n=2338) and health and fitness app data (n=1531).
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The Primary Care Shopping Intervention for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention (PC-SHOP) study aims to test the effect of an intervention for people with raised low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol involving health professional (HP) advice alone, or in combination with personalised feedback based on nutritional analysis of grocery store loyalty card data, on SFA intake and blood lipids in comparison with no intervention.
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Store Loyalty sentence examples within store loyalty trait
We measure two key dimensions of store patronage—store format preference and store loyalty trait—of 23,092 U.
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We measure two key dimensions of store patronage—store format preference and store loyalty trait—of 23,092 U.
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Purpose: This study aims to identify the influence of store image on store loyalty in the context of the Bangladesh retail market.
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We apply the “approach–avoidance” coping classification to the firm context and suggest two marketing tools—cause-related marketing (CRM) and a spacious store layout—as moderators of the relationships between experienced self-discrepancy and a threat to a consumer's social identity and between social identity threat and store loyalty/store attitude.
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The results reveal brand consciousness, price consciousness, quality variability, store loyalty and consumers self-perception emerged as key psychological attributes followed by all socio-demographic factors, i.
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The objective of the current study is to understand the role of store image, consumer satisfaction, and store loyalty in building retail store equity in the Indian retail market.
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Thus, the smart PL strategy is a strategy by which retailers can leverage data and technology to market private labels that meet diverse customer needs and achieve greater retail differentiation, store loyalty, margins, and profits.
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The purpose of this paper, focusing on the visually impaired and legally blind consumer, is to explore the relationship between the perceived consumer vulnerability on customer satisfaction and the effect of satisfaction on the intention of repurchase and recommendation as the determinants of store loyalty in an apparel store context.
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We assumed that there is a non-monotonic (an inverted U-shaped) relationship between the loyalty to the GSB product and Store Loyalty and a positive linear relationship between the loyalty to the PSB product and Store Loyalty.
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This study examines the impact of retail services quality and selling behavior on customers’ satisfaction, trust, and store loyalty in case of high involvement products such as consumer electronics/home appliances in the context of Pakistan.
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The purpose of this study is to determine the direct effect of a loyalty program on program loyalty and store loyalty and to determine the role of communication effectiveness as a mediating variable in moving customers from program loyalty to store loyalty in the context of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
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In line with previous studies, personality was divided into five traits; extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness and buying decision making style into four types; brand and store loyalty, spontaineity, price-value consciousness, and variety-seeking.
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By means of a field survey on 420 Italian shoppers, we found that, unlike millennials, seniors prefer proximity stores with parking facilities and good store staff assistance; they do not appreciate SBs at all, so that their Store Loyalty is only partially influenced by the same.
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This study aims to examine the formation of PL brand equity and its effect on store loyalty for retailers with differently tiered PL programs (a “better” program with standard PL vs a full PL quality spectrum with economy, standard and premium PLs) and different PL naming strategies (store-banner name or stand-alone brand name).
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Purpose – This study aims to investigate how the influences of store attributes on store loyalty can be mediated by the store satisfaction framework.
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Loyalty Program has a significant positive impact on CCID and store loyalty, and CCID has also an effect to store loyalty.
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Many cross-sectional studies have shown that e-store loyalty is strongly affected by perceived website usefulness (PU) and satisfaction with a purchase experience.
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In this context, this presents study aims to understand how perceived retailer innovativeness and perceived food healthiness influence store prestige, store trust, and store loyalty.
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Second, it investigates the relationship between store loyalty and store personality.
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