Introduction to Store Image
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Store Image sentence examples within Perceived Store Image
The purpose of this paper is to know whether extrinsic cues like perceived store image, perceived private label quality, perceived private label price has any effect on customer attitude and satisfaction with regard to private label.
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The current study explores the effect of the difference between perceived store image for anchor versus non-anchor stores on cross-shop consumer behavior drawing from theories of spillover shopping and retail patronage.
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Store Image sentence examples within Crafting Store Image
The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of in-store logistics in crafting store image and perceived value to customers, thus creating satisfied and loyal customers.
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The key objective of this paper is to examine the role of in-store logistics in crafting store image and perceived value to customers, thus creating satisfied and loyal customers.
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Store Image sentence examples within To Store Image
To store images without any visual sensitive information on photo sharing services, grayscale-based JPEG images are generated by using the grayscale-based encryption method.
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To store images without any visual sensitive information on photo sharing services, encrypted JPEG images are generated by using a block-scramblingbased encryption method that has been proposed for Encryptionthen-Compression systems with JPEG compression.
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Store Image sentence examples within store image detail
This method can greatly increase the number of feature images, which is helpful to restore image details by deconvolution layer.
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To better solve the problem of detail restoration of inverse halftoning, this paper proposes a simple yet effective deep learning model combined with the attention mechanism, which can better guide the network to remove noise dot-patterns and restore image details, and improve the network adaptation ability.
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Store Image sentence examples within store image datum
The suggested model can extract relevant features and reduce the dimensionality through sparsity property of the image data while preserving the key features that have been applied to restore image data in feature space.
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But the data in image format uses more space, if you want to store image data in QR code you must enlarge the storage capacity of QR code.
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Store Image sentence examples within store image resolution
Deconvolution of the PAT image with these PSFs could restore image resolution and recover object details.
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Secondly, based on the linear interpolation algorithm, a multisampling pooling (MS-pooling) operation is proposed to reduce the feature information loss and restore image resolution.
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Purpose: This study aims to identify the influence of store image on store loyalty in the context of the Bangladesh retail market.
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We are also using CNN for object detection which will help us in finding labels of objects and using those labels we can classify and store images for accelerating search.
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Five hundred consumers shopped at the different c – stores were collected for a multidimensional scaling technique that creates a perceptual map illustrating of c – store image.
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This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of store image on the repurchase intention of Matahari Department Store Mojokerto, Indonesia either directly or indirectly, by involving perceived value and customer satisfaction as mediating variables.
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The experimental results show that SSBOT can efficiently restore images degraded by non-uniform dense scattering medium.
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the important structures of store image and how to improve a hypermarket's store image to affect customer willingness to return.
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This study aims to identify consumer preferences for store image using the Analytic Hierarchy Process.
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Existing compression artifacts reduction methods aim to restore images on pixel-level, which can improve the human visual experience.
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Depending on various features, image forgery is now used to enhance and restore images to make them more significant, whereas image forgery is performed by vulnerable people to generate fake truths by tampering images.
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Multi–grid back–projection (MGBP) is a fully–convolutional network architecture that can learn to restore images and videos with upscaling artifacts.
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The objective of the current study is to understand the role of store image, consumer satisfaction, and store loyalty in building retail store equity in the Indian retail market.
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This study aims to analyze the effects and aspects of store images and customers loyalty.
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In general, retail success factors include high brand quality (which makes customers more forgiving), a service brand promise that is mirrored in the store image (which makes customers attend to the experience clues aligned with them), and the careful monitoring and managing of retail touchpoints (to customize experience clues to each market).
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We propose a deep fully convolutional neural network with a new type of layer, named median layer, to restore images contaminated by the salt-and-pepper (s&p) noise.
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Therefore, the combination of compressed sensing theory and photoacoustic imaging can not only restore images with high quality, but also reduce the amount of data as much as possible.
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This research was conducted to study the importance of brand image and store image on repurchase intention.
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The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of visual merchandising to store image and purchase intention through the importance of visual merchandising factors such as front entrance product display, merchandising displays, store layout and organization, merchandising theme, signage/graphic, lighting and sound usage.
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Due to some of the data hiding schemes requiring additional key to restore image and complex in implement, a scheme deleting the overlapping pixels information and embedding the watermark was proposed, because the information of overlapping pixels is redundant which can be compressed produce storage space.
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This study aims to analyze the effect of the store image of an ornamental fish shop which consists of merchandise variables, shop location, employee services, and prices on consumer purchasing decisions.
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This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Store Image, Store Athmosphere, and Store Theatric on Impulse Buying mediated by Positive Emotions at Banjarmasin Cosmetics Shop.
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The experimental results show that the proposed method can restore images well for both the ideal MSPFA and an MSPFA manufactured from photonic crystals.
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The condition occurs because traditional retail is perceived as a slum, chaotic, muddy, dirty, and lack of facilities such as limited parking area, smelly and dirty trash cans, hallways, narrow and so on Store image is an important factor for customers in creating customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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In addition, we discuss a scheme to store images in a blockchain so as to make the overall architecture privacy aware.
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The architecture utilizes the characteristics of nontamperable and traceable data on the blockchain to solve the problem of mutual distrust between the transaction parties, uses MongoDB for data retrieval and filtering to solve the problem that it is difficult to query flexibly on the blockchain, uses the file platform to save public resources to solve the problem that it is very expensive or even infeasible to store images or large texts in the blockchain, and ensures remote sensing resources and services related to the effective storage of images and description texts.
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Therefore, how to restore image has become a research hotspot in the field of image processing.
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To this end, we developed an application to acquire and store images via smartphone and seamlessly transfer into the patient’s electronic medical record (EMR) to enable digital consults and longitudinal evaluation in a private and compliant method.
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This means that the database will be able to store images of the optical spectrum, thermal and multispectral images describing the various aspects of application of restoration methods on specific cultural heritage sites or on specific materials in laboratory environment.
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The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the influence of life style, product quality, and store image on consumer purchasing decisions atMulia InternationalStore Fashion Sukaramai PlazaPekanbaru.
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In the paper, we develop a deep neural network based on the U-Net architecture that acts as a pre-processing module to restore images/videos with nonuniform light sources to ensure the accuracy of the subsequent object detection process.
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The main focus of this quantitative study is to measure the impact of Brand name, Brand personality, Brand satisfaction and Store image of an apparel brand on one of the aspects of customers’ conative behaviour i.
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This approach uses the l1 regularization to restore images.
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They allow us to restore images of individual objects of group targets with superresolution at signal-to-noise ratios that are significantly lower than those provided by the known methods.
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Approximately half (55%) routinely documented findings, most often in clinical notes, and most (65%) did not store images; most (68%) had no quality assurance measures.
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Although the phase diversity method is an effective way to detect wave-front and restore image, it is difficult to be achieve its real time application on DSP or FPGA.
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This paper focuses on the phenomenon of rebranding, as evidenced by a change of store image, and its influence on brand equity and business performance.
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Recent theory of mapping an image into a structured low-rank Toeplitz or Hankel matrix has become an effective method to restore images.
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The study was conducted to test how visual merchandising and exterior factors impact the store image and customer buying behavior.
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This research aims to analyze the relationships of store image, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention at SJS Plaza.
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This retailer extended its PPL brand, called Sapori & Dintorni (S&D), from its food products to a concept store, S&D Store, offering an assortment greatly or fully focused on the main food Italian excellence—protected designation of origin and protected geographical indication products or food related to the various regional cuisines present in Italy—in exclusive locations, with the aim to enhance its store image and consumers’ brand attachment.
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A web-based tool is described to store images of ulcers and measure ulcer size automatically.
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Here, we overcome this problem by recovering the missing region using total variation minimization, which leverages image sparsity-based reconstruction techniques-colloquially referred to as compressed sensing (CS)-to reliably restore images corrupted by stripe-like features.
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Further studies suggest a modification of the algorithm to restore images with enlarged areas of damage, as well as adapting it to restore three-dimensional images.
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The study explains about the relationship of service quality and store image with customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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The thesis also shows that perceived orderliness should receive the most attention when designing the store layout because it brings positive expectations of shopping efficiency, shopping enjoyment, store image and intention to visit the store.
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This study aims to assess and compare the impact of store image on customer satisfaction and loyalty between two franchise-retail stores in Jakarta, Indonesia: Indomaret and Alfamart.
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Store atmosphere is an atmosphere that refers to the physical characteristics of exterior buildings and interior spaces, which shape the store image and bring in customers.
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Most of those, who did not store images (68%), were performing focused cardiac ultrasound.
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The experimental results show that the proposed system is able to store images securely and retrieve medical images with high clarity.
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We show that flexible GMRES applied with these preconditioners is able to restore images that have been contaminated by strongly non-symmetric blur, while several other iterative methods fail to do this.
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The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the influence of culture in terms of individualism and collectivism (I-C), store image and customer satisfaction, on purchase intention at supermarkets.
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The findings indicate that brand label positively and significantly impact customer purchase intention of cosmetics and store image is also positively linked with brand label and mediating the relationship between purchase intention and brand label.
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KEYwORdS Commercial Image, Corporate Image, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Emerging Market, Fast Fashion, Social Image, Store Image.
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The proposed hybrid domain sparsely sampled reconstruction based on deep learning was able to restore images to a quality similar to fully sampled images.
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Experimental results from twenty standard gray-scale images of various sizes have shown that IQASMF has the ability to restore images for up to 99 % of the impulse noise corruption.
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Simulation results show that hyper-Laplacian priors combined with rotating pupils can restore images better than a hyper-Laplacian prior of single exposure in an OSA system.
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A pyramid residual convolutional neural network (PRCNN) is proposed to restore image with compression artifacts in this paper, and the method is enable to process multiple resolutions by fixing patch size extracted from whole image.
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Agouti provides an interface that allows users to collaborate on projects, organize and manage their surveys, upload and store imagery, and annotate images with species identifications and characteristics.
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Different encoder-decoder pairs can restore images to different degrees.
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