Introduction to Store Brands
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Store Brands sentence examples within Toward Store Brands
This study explores the extent to which smart shopping, and particularly its effect on consumer attitudes towards store brands and national brands, is influenced by consumers' cultural values.
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The present work aims at a fresh perspective on the over-65 cohort grocery shopping behavior by examining its drivers of main store choice and its attitude towards Store Brands (SBs).
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Store Brands sentence examples within Clothing Store Brands
The aim of this paper was to analyse the impact of service marketing mix (promotion, price, place, product, people,process, physical evidence and after sale service) on customer retention towards clothing store brands in China.
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The literature on clothing store brands showed the inadequacy of the conventional marketing mix strategy.
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The introduction of store brands not only brings greater pressure to the upstream manufacturers, but also induces consumers to pay growing attention to transaction fairness when choosing among different brands.
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The study has a strong implication for store brands to have more focus on the brand image as it affects repurchase intention directly and gets affected by store image.
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Our findings contribute to theories of store brand introduction and provide information sharing for practitioners as a managerial tool to realize the full potential of store brands.
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The private label literature assumes that store brands (SBs) are of lower quality than competing national brands (NBs).
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Observing that store brands are often introduced in multiple-echelon supply chains, however, the common wisdom from analytical models on store brands has been obtained from two-echelon supply chains, we investigate the strategic interaction in a three-echelon supply chain (manufacturer-distributer-retailer) with a store brand and its corresponding impacts.
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The diminishing gap between national brands vis-a-vis their PLB counterparts call for new imperatives for retailers to sharpen the focus on store brands and garner loyalty both on offline and on online mode.
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Main Findings: Based on interviews conducted by respondents, one of the store brands in Matahari's department store is the Executive, which is a store brand that sells clothes, and trousers with expensive price, so if the customer uses the brand product Executive, they will feel proud.
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Private store brands as retail market conspicuous presence of other store brands.
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Channel sharing is an important marketing strategy for giant retailers who sell their own store brands and resell national brands for cooperative manufacturers simultaneously.
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Store Brands (SBs) are increasingly present in Western retail stores.
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Recently, the popularity of store brands has resulted in some manufacturer brands being removed from shelves.
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Motivated by the growth of store brands and the widespread practice of offering a line of multiple store brands at different quality positions within a product category, Chung and Lee (2017) analyze a game theoretic model and discover the impact of the category-specific demand environment on the retailer’s optimal design of store brand product lines.
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