Introduction to Spectral Enhancement
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Spectral Enhancement sentence examples within spectral enhancement method
This paper presents a spectral enhancement method to improve the quality of speech reconstructed by neural waveform generators with low-bit quantization.
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The GGMs are compared to terrestrial gravity data and geoid heights from GNSS/Levelling points before and after applying spectral enhancement method (SEM) by residual terrain model (RTM) for combined models and by RTM and the coefficients of selected combined GGM for pure satellite models.
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Spectral Enhancement sentence examples within spectral enhancement technique
Spectral Enhancement sentence examples within spectral enhancement approach
We employ the spectral enhancement approach, during which the GOCE-based GGMs are evaluated every one degree to the maximum degree of expansion coupled by EGM2008 and high-frequency RTM effects.
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However, stabilizing and training cGAN systems is difficult and they still fall short of the performance achieved by spectral enhancement approaches.
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Comparing the distributions of the plasma temperature, it was found that the plasma confined by a hemispherical cavity could maintain a relatively high temperature for a long period, resulting in spectral enhancement.
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In addition, we distinguish the dominant contribution between quantum-path interference and the Van Hove singularity of JDOS, and demonstrate that the emergence of spectral enhancement in the vicinity of cutoff frequency is determined by the Van Hove singularity of JDOS.
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The effects of polarization, focusing and interference are heightened when near field effects are diminished, giving rise to spectral enhancement.
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The spectral enhancement of Ga-doped ZnO substrates depended on the doping ratios, excitation wavelengths, and nearby SPR absorption.
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Spectral enhancements techniques such as the principal component analysis (PCA), band ratio (BR) and false color composite (FCC) were adopted for delineating alteration zones.
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The trained DL model can augment the spatial and spectral enhancement of low-resolution THz data collected rapidly in the far-field.
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The results obtained here have certain theoretical significance for nano-scale sensing, spectral enhancement and precision measurement.
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