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Space Thermodynamics sentence examples within Phase Space Thermodynamics

Phase transitions in four-dimensional AdS black holes with a nonlinear electrodynamics source

Charged black hole solutions with Toroidal horizons in f(R)-gravity surrounded by quintessence and cloud of strings: Effective potential barrier, quasinormal modes

Phase transitions in four-dimensional AdS black holes with a nonlinear electrodynamics source

Charged black hole solutions with Toroidal horizons in f(R)-gravity surrounded by quintessence and cloud of strings: Effective potential barrier, quasinormal modes

Joule-Thomson expansion of AdS black holes in Einstein Power-Yang-mills gravity

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Dynamical and Thermal Stabilities of Nonlinearly Charged AdS Black Holes

Charged black hole chemistry with massive gravitons.

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Thermodynamics of rotating Bardeen black holes: Phase transitions and thermodynamics volume

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Contact Geometry and Thermodynamics of Black Holes in AdS

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Chaos in Charged Gauss-Bonnet AdS Black Holes in Extended Phase Space.

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Space Thermodynamics