Introduction to Solanum Phureja
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To test the slow-release behavior of the coated fertilizer and the adequate provision of nutrients for plants, the leaching rates of N, P, and K were determined through soil column experiments, and plant growth indicators were measured in greenhouse experiments in a yellow potato crop (Solanum phureja).
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To test the slow-release behavior of the coated fertilizer and the adequate provision of nutrients for plants, the leaching rates of N, P, and K were determined through soil column experiments, and plant growth indicators were measured in greenhouse experiments in a yellow potato crop (Solanum phureja).
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Este estudio investigo la extraccion de dos GA (α-solanina y α-chaconina) de cascara de papa nativa (Solanum phureja) variedad ratona morada del departamento de Narino-Colombia, utilizando la tecnologia de extraccion con liquidos presurizados (ELP), mediante un diseno experimental central compuesto, con el fin de determinar el efecto de la presion (P) y la temperatura (T), sobre el rendimiento y la composicion de GA.
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