Introduction to Solanum Photeinocarpum
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Solanum Photeinocarpum sentence examples within Hyperaccumulator Solanum Photeinocarpum
A pot and a field experiment were conducted to study the effects of intercropping the potential Cd-hyperaccumulator Solanum photeinocarpum and its post-grafting generations with loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) on the growth and Cd uptake of these two plant species.
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The effects of mutual grafting on the cadmium (Cd) accumulation characteristics of two ecotypes (farmland and mining) of the potential Cd-hyperaccumulator Solanum photeinocarpum were studied through a pot experiment for one month.
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The mutual grafting affecting the physiological characteristics and selenium (Se) absorption capacity in offspring of Solanum photeinocarpum from the farmland and mining ecosystems were studied by the pot experiments.
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A pot experiment was used to study the effects of different concentrations of salt (100, 200, 300 mmol/L) stress on the photosynthetic physiology and antioxidant enzyme activities of Solanum photeinocarpum.
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In this study, farmland and mining ecotypes of Solanum photeinocarpum (a potential cadmium (Cd) hyperaccumulator plant) were reciprocally hybridized each other, and the Cd accumulation characteristics of the F1 hybrids were studied.
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