Introduction to Solanum Incanum
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Solanum Incanum sentence examples within solanum incanum fruit
The objective of this study is to assess the effect of Solanum incanum fruit (SIFE) and red onion peel (ROPE) extracts treatments on cotton fabric properties.
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Aims: To determine the phytochemical composition and antibacterial activity of Solanum incanum fruits against Ralstonia solanacearum.
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Solanum Incanum sentence examples within solanum incanum linn
The present study investigated novelty-induced behavior, learning and memory enhancing activities of aqueous and ethanol fruit extracts of Solanum incanum Linn.
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Multivariate analysis of the recorded plants produced eight vegetation groups; four of them (A: Potamogeton nodosus-Nasturtium officinale, B: Lemna gibba-Leptochloa fusca, C: Typha domingensis- Xanthium strumarium and D: Conyza stricta- Cyperus longus) represented the wet meadows, while two (E: Acacia gerrardii- Commicarpus plumbagineus and H: Osteospermum vaillantii- Eragrostis Pilosa) for slopes and other two (F: Argemone ochroleuca-Cyperus rotundus and G: Pulicaria undulata- Solanum incanum) for the desert terraces.
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argentea, Solanum macrocarpon, Solanum nigrum and Solanum incanum).
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Dodonaea viscosa, Solanum incanum, Olea europaea subsp.
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melongena representative of the worldwide phenotypic, geographic, and genetic diversity of the species, and one each from the closely related species Solanum insanum and Solanum incanum.
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SR‐T100 gel, containing solamargine extracted from Solanum undatum (synonym: Solanum incanum), had good therapeutic effects on actinic keratosis (AK) in human and ultraviolet B‐induced papilloma in mice.
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Herbalists in Kenya use medicinal plants including Solanum incanum in treating microbial infections.
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The poisonous plants frequently complained by the respondents were Capparis tomentosa, Prosopis juliflora, Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara, Acacia absynica, Sorghum bicolar, Datura stramonium, Plantago lanceolata, Pteridium aquilinum and Solanum incanum.
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The six most frequently mentioned therapeutically important plants were Nicotiana tabacum, Solanum incanum, Carissa spinanrum, Calpurnia aurea, Croton macrostachyus and Cynodon dactylon.
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Species with global reports of tested antivenom activity included Allium cepa, Allium sativum, Basella alba, Capparis tomentosa, Carica papaya, Cassia occidentalis, Jatropa carcus, Vernonia cinereal, Bidens pilosa, Hoslundia opposita, Maytensus senegalensis, Securinega virosa, and Solanum incanum.
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Here, we present the first whole-genome resequencing study using seven eggplant (Solanum melongena) and one wild relative (Solanum incanum) accessions.
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Croton macrostachyus (Bisana) and Solanum incanum (Embuay) were the most widely applied EVM plant species in integrated and pastoral LPS, respectively.
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