Introduction to Social Media
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Social Media sentence examples within Different Social Media
Social Media sentence examples within Vaccination Social Media
This review suggests that while the current HPV vaccination social media-driven interventions provide sufficient information on internal validity (reach and effectiveness), few have aimed to gather data on external validity needed to translate the interventions into real world implementation.
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This review suggests that while the current HPV vaccination social media-driven interventions provide sufficient information on internal validity (reach and effectiveness), few have aimed to gather data on external validity needed to translate the interventions into real world implementation.
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Social Media sentence examples within social media platform
In the Philippines, citizen aid groups frequently support their activities by documenting their work with photos of beneficiaries to solicit donations from within the country and around the world across social media platforms.
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Participation, particularly within social media platforms, provides tremendous opportunities for students but require the development of media literacies.
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Social Media sentence examples within social media content
Unlike the large body of research on investigating interactions among cities using survey data, the social media-based city interaction study has received much less exploration Based on geographical studies of social media content in China, we develop a few indices quantifying various levels of geographical awareness among cities (1) We find that the geographical awareness proxy by the social media-based indices can measure interactions among cities Specifically, the geographical awareness among cities follows gravitational law and is highly correlated with mobility flows (2) The spatial in-awareness index (SIAI) is an appropriate index indicating a city's ranking in the urban hierarchy (3) the spatial out-awareness rate (SOAR) can indicate the interactions from a focal city to other cities Our findings also show that SOAR can predict the number of people infected during a pandemic in a city system Once the origin city or hotspots of the outbreak and the number of infected persons within those cities are known, we can use the social media-based SOAR index to predict number of cases for other else cities in the urban system With this information, governments can properly and efficiently deliver medical equipment and staff to cities where large populations are infected © 2020 Elsevier Ltd.
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Social media-induced tourism happens when a traveller visits a destination/attraction after being exposed to certain social media content.
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Social Media sentence examples within social media service
With the use of the Internet, mobile platforms, online commerce, and social media services, the footprints of human behavior can be easily recorded in the digital world, which generates data on an extremely large scale.
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The findings reveal that the gaming youth consider digital participation to include discussions in different social media services or web discussion forums.
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Social Media sentence examples within social media datum
Social Media sentence examples within social media influencer
The purpose of the current research is to investigate the impact of social media influencers on customer engagement in Jordan with content related to COVID19 Built on a literature review a conceptual framework has been developed in order to guide the research A quantitative approach was used to collect data through Google Forms The research questionnaire completed by a convenience sampling technique A structured online questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 278 respondents Smart PLS 2 0 was used to test the study’s hypotheses The main findings revealed that the reason for a positive relationship between customers trust in social media influencers and customer participation is when customers find an influencer to be trustworthy they tend to participate more Practically, the findings of this research revealed that the impact of social media influencers on customers’ participation with content related to COVID 19 on social media will give governments and companies a chance to better understand the importance of social media influencers in contributing to the success of social media-based marketing campaigns through encouraging customers’ engagement The current study provided a significant theoretical contribution to our knowledge due to it is originality © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
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ABSTRACT Though organizations increasingly collaborate with social media influencers, such as bloggers and videobloggers, little is known as to how the contextual cues related to sponsored content affect the authenticity perception of the social media influencers among audience members.
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In this report, we examined the feasibility, acceptability, and potential efficacy of a social media-based DSME intervention in low-income older Chinese immigrants with type 2 diabetes (T2D).
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Through what fictions do anthropologists become co-present in ‘the field’? And what happens when ‘the field’ becomes co-present in anthropologists’ lives? In this article, I reflexively contrast two experiences of fieldwork connectedness: first, the changes to my interactions with Bidayuh villagers in rural Borneo since 2003, and, second, my recent engagement with the social media-scape of orangutan conservation.
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In our second experiment, we exposed the treatment group to a social media-based counselling intervention wherein we attempted to counter the earlier fake news on COVID-19 vaccine which they were exposed to.
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We tested parallel stress pathways in which we hypothesized that exposure to online racism would be indirectly related to alcohol use severity via general psychological distress and social media-related stress.
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The availability of social media-based data creates opportunities to obtain information about consumers, trends, companies and technologies using text mining techniques.
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This study aims to explore the antecedents and outcomes of brand community engagement (BCE) in the context of social media-based brand communities (SMBCs).
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Methods A prenatal educational website, social media-assisted prenatal chat groups and community support teams were developed in three rural or remote FN communities in Manitoba.
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The current study addressed this research gap by developing and testing a model of online reviews and customer purchase intention in the social media-e-commerce context.
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More purposeful recruitment is needed to learn about whether, how, and why different SGM groups engage with social media-interventions.
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Three hundred eighty-one individuals were approached, of which 21 completed the dyadic intervention (11 from social media-based recruitment and 10 from clinic-based recruitment).
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Women's breastfeeding self-efficacy was improved through a social media-based teaching and counselling intervention.
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The system has been applied to data of the city of Barcelona, and the results show that the use of the social media-based clustering procedure increases its performance according to several relevant metrics.
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The purpose of this activity is to take advantage of opportunities by diversifying superior products with social media-based marketing media.
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In recent years, automatic depression detection on social media-related studies has improved.
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Social media-based scientific journal clubs provide an opportunity to promote published literature to a broader audience and allow robust multi-disciplinary and inter-professional discussion.
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There are different challenges related to appropriate and social media-specific dataset availability and its high-performing supervised classifier for text-based hate speech detection.
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This study examines the patterns and trends of social media-related public relations research published in 14 journals from 2006 to 2020.
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Social media-based brand communities (SMBBC) offer valuable opportunities for brands to build customer engagement (CE).
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Schlagworter: Qualitative (Online-)Forschungswerkstatten, Social Media-Anwendungen des Web 2.
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This study aims to determine the influence of social media-based digital marketing on purchasing decisions for SMEs products.
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These activities generate massive amounts of low-quality content that often exhibits duplicate, automated, inappropriate, or irrelevant content that subsequently affects users’ satisfaction and imposes a significant challenge for other social media-based systems.
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We used two psychological measures: The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) and the Personal Experience Checklist (PECK) as well as a sociodemographic questionnaire (general demographic information and social media-related information).
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However, there are still doubts regarding the effectiveness of social media-based disaster communication.
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the 1-year outcomes of a social media-based and peer and clinician-supported smoking cessation program on Facebook and examine communication patterns that could support smoking cessation and identify risk of relapse.
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Their familiarity with the app's social media-inspired design features fostered confidence in their participation, usability, and engagement.
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A standardized anxiety related questions based on (coronavirus anxiety scale) was generated using the Google Form, and the link was shared through social media-whatsapp.
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We conducted empirical studies and workshops with emergency services across Europe to raise requirements, then iteratively designed and implemented an approach to support emergency services, and performed multiple evaluations, including live demonstrations and field trials, to research the potentials of social media-based alerts.
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We also contribute to the research on computational text analysis in Cantonese—one of the low-resource Asian languages,—as well as to the scholarship on Hong Kong protests and research on social media-based protest mobilization in general.
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Results Ten (4 male, 6 female) adolescents (12–13 years of age) living in Perth (Western Australia) were recruited through a social media-based strategy.
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They being, student-oriented factors, institution oriented factors, family-oriented factors, community, and social media-oriented factors.
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This paper attempted to introduce a social media-based solution for marketing library services in Sri Lanka.
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Social ideation consists of social media-enabled mechanisms that generate social capital, enable multi-level social exchanges, foster idea co-creation activities such as idea sourcing, filtering, elaboration, and integration, and ultimately lead to effective ideation.
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Despite an increase in social media-generated content, the process is not yet fully understood, although research suggests the importance of two different factors (i.
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In a large-scale, social media-based chromosome 6 study, we observed a shared phenotype in patients with a 6q25.
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