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Selected Climate sentence examples within urban heat island

Badania klimatu i bioklimatu miasta prowadzone w IGiPZ PAN

Selected Climate sentence examples within selected climate variable

Regional Climate Change in Southeast Mexico-Yucatan Peninsula, Central America and the Caribbean

Study of the Impact of the Topology of Artificial Neural Networks for the Prediction of Meteorological Data

Selected Climate sentence examples within selected climate change

Assessing Climate Change Linkages related to Water Quality Trading Effectiveness for Incorporating Ancillary Benefits

Rapid assessment of climate risks for irrigated agriculture in two river basins in the Aral Sea Basin

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Selected Climate sentence examples within selected climate model

CMIP6 projects less frequent seasonal soil moisture droughts over China in response to different warming levels

Shifts in hydroclimatology of US megaregions in response to climate change

Selected Climate sentence examples within selected climate index

Space- and time-varying associations between Bangladesh’s seasonal rainfall and large-scale climate oscillations

Climate change and reindeer management in Finland: Co-analysis of practitioner knowledge and meteorological data for better adaptation.

Selected Climate sentence examples within selected climate projection

Deep learning shows declining groundwater levels in Germany until 2100 due to climate change

Climate change effects on groundwater recharge and temperatures in Swiss alluvial aquifers

Selected Climate sentence examples within selected climate condition

Simultaneous optimization of fuel type and exterior walls insulation attributes for residential buildings using a swarm intelligence

Correlating dynamic climate conditions and socioeconomic-governmental factors to spatiotemporal spread of COVID-19 via semantic segmentation deep learning analysis

Selected Climate sentence examples within selected climate driver

Lagged and dormant season climate better predict plant vital rates than climate during the growing season.

Assessing the predictability of MLR models for long-term streamflow using lagged climate indices as predictors: A case study of NSW (Australia)

Selected Climate sentence examples within selected climate scenario

Odour Impact Assessment in a Changing Climate

The Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production in Uganda—An Integrated Systems Assessment with Water and Energy Implications

Selected Climate sentence examples within selected climate variability

Climate Variability Indices—A Guided Tour

Long-term variability of drought indices in the Czech Lands and effects of external forcings and large-scale climate variability modes

Selected Climate sentence examples within selected climate zone

Effects of climate changes on building energy demand and thermal comfort in Canadian office buildings adopting different temperature setpoints

Analyses of yearly performance dual-temperature warm air heating system applied in different climates

Selected Climate sentence examples within selected climate region

Impact of soiling on Si and CdTe PV modules: Case study in different Brazil climate zones

Improvements in subseasonal forecasts of rainfall extremes by statistical postprocessing methods

Snow to Precipitation Ratio Controls Catchment Storage and Summer Flows in Boreal Headwater Catchments

More Selected Climate sentence examples

Previsioning Solar Collector Thermal Efficiency from Design Parameters: A Numerical Model Achieved from Tests Results

Selected Climate