Introduction to Seasonal Climate
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within Highly Seasonal Climate
We use an Earth system model large ensemble to examine the future risk of compound droughts during the boreal summer over ten global regions with highly seasonal climate.
We use an Earth system model large ensemble to examine the future risk of compound droughts during the boreal summer over ten global regions with highly seasonal climate.
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Samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi) in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa, experience a highly seasonal climate, with relatively cold, dry winters.
Samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis schwarzi) in the Soutpansberg Mountains, South Africa, experience a highly seasonal climate, with relatively cold, dry winters.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within Strongly Seasonal Climate
We conclude that an approach using several proxies, both for fire, hydroclimate and vegetation change, is needed when aiming to reconstruct past biomass burning from wetland ecosystems with a strongly seasonal climate as in the Mediterranean.
We conclude that an approach using several proxies, both for fire, hydroclimate and vegetation change, is needed when aiming to reconstruct past biomass burning from wetland ecosystems with a strongly seasonal climate as in the Mediterranean.
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Podocarpaceae and many other Southern Hemisphere conifer lineages never developed equivalent traits and were poorly adapted to surviving increasingly cool and strongly seasonal climate regimes with associated aridity in the late Neogene.
Podocarpaceae and many other Southern Hemisphere conifer lineages never developed equivalent traits and were poorly adapted to surviving increasingly cool and strongly seasonal climate regimes with associated aridity in the late Neogene.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within Improve Seasonal Climate
These findings may improve seasonal climate prediction, water resource management, and interpretation of ice cores in the region.
These findings may improve seasonal climate prediction, water resource management, and interpretation of ice cores in the region.
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This research contributes to improving our understanding of the NLLJs and their role in transporting moisture and controlling precipitation over the continent according to the seasons of a year, helping to improve seasonal climate forecasting.
This research contributes to improving our understanding of the NLLJs and their role in transporting moisture and controlling precipitation over the continent according to the seasons of a year, helping to improve seasonal climate forecasting.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within Calibrated Seasonal Climate
The system consists of a gridded water balance model (AWRA-L) forced with downscaled and calibrated seasonal climate forecasts from a climate modelling system, ACCESS-S1.
The system consists of a gridded water balance model (AWRA-L) forced with downscaled and calibrated seasonal climate forecasts from a climate modelling system, ACCESS-S1.
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</p><p>The Bureau of Meteorology has developed a high-resolution national seasonal ensemble forecasting system for soil moisture, evapotranspiration and runoff across Australia, using a gridded water balance model (AWRA-L) forced with downscaled and calibrated seasonal climate forecasts from the Bureau’s ACCESS-S1 system.
</p><p>The Bureau of Meteorology has developed a high-resolution national seasonal ensemble forecasting system for soil moisture, evapotranspiration and runoff across Australia, using a gridded water balance model (AWRA-L) forced with downscaled and calibrated seasonal climate forecasts from the Bureau’s ACCESS-S1 system.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate forecast
Results show that the proposed approach is capable of reducing the forecast errors, according to evaluation metrics such as normalized mean square error, maximum absolute error, and maximum normalized absolute error, thus improving the seasonal climate forecasts.
Results show that the proposed approach is capable of reducing the forecast errors, according to evaluation metrics such as normalized mean square error, maximum absolute error, and maximum normalized absolute error, thus improving the seasonal climate forecasts.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate variability
Information on seasonal climate variability obtained through climate forecasts can be of considerable benefit in decision-making processes.
Information on seasonal climate variability obtained through climate forecasts can be of considerable benefit in decision-making processes.
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We find that extending the production pipeline of short-range forecast timescales beyond the medium-range, such that the medium-range forecast timescales can be fed into existing tools for applying short-range forecasts, assisted in mitigating the risks of sub-seasonal climate variability on socio-economic activities in Nigeria.
We find that extending the production pipeline of short-range forecast timescales beyond the medium-range, such that the medium-range forecast timescales can be fed into existing tools for applying short-range forecasts, assisted in mitigating the risks of sub-seasonal climate variability on socio-economic activities in Nigeria.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate change
It has been widely concerned that seasonal climate change may impose stress on mammal's immune system, but this has never been connected to wildlife endangerment reasons.
It has been widely concerned that seasonal climate change may impose stress on mammal's immune system, but this has never been connected to wildlife endangerment reasons.
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All analyses are conducted with a 1-h time-step throughout the entire year so that seasonal climate changes are accounted for precisely.
All analyses are conducted with a 1-h time-step throughout the entire year so that seasonal climate changes are accounted for precisely.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate prediction
Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate condition
A minimum cost multi-period Constraint Programming model is proposed to size the system, by matching refrigeration requirements with photovoltaic generation potential along the journey, both variable with daily and seasonal climate conditions.
A minimum cost multi-period Constraint Programming model is proposed to size the system, by matching refrigeration requirements with photovoltaic generation potential along the journey, both variable with daily and seasonal climate conditions.
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A significant change towards more arid/seasonal climate conditions in the transitional zone between equatorial and sahelian zones in Central Africa was clearly recorded in the Lake Fonjak, Adamawa plateau.
A significant change towards more arid/seasonal climate conditions in the transitional zone between equatorial and sahelian zones in Central Africa was clearly recorded in the Lake Fonjak, Adamawa plateau.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate variation
Seasonal climate variation, non-point source pollution emissions, the release of water from sluices and dams, and water resource management activities are the main reasons for the variations in water quality across the Shaying River Basin.
Seasonal climate variation, non-point source pollution emissions, the release of water from sluices and dams, and water resource management activities are the main reasons for the variations in water quality across the Shaying River Basin.
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The impacts of seasonal climate variations are found to be location-dependent, which also vary significantly across the staple food commodities.
The impacts of seasonal climate variations are found to be location-dependent, which also vary significantly across the staple food commodities.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate outlook
 </p><p>The developed seasonal climate outlooks were tested by the users during November 2019-April 2020; following the test period a feedback survey was conducted with the users.
 </p><p>The developed seasonal climate outlooks were tested by the users during November 2019-April 2020; following the test period a feedback survey was conducted with the users.
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And, in order to favor farmers to adjust their farming practices, seasonal climate outlooks are needed.
And, in order to favor farmers to adjust their farming practices, seasonal climate outlooks are needed.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate forecasting
Identifying the impact of IOD phenomenon on the spatial and temporal variation of the rainfall pattern is a useful tool for seasonal climate forecasting.
Identifying the impact of IOD phenomenon on the spatial and temporal variation of the rainfall pattern is a useful tool for seasonal climate forecasting.
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Seasonal climate forecasting is of vital importance to society, having great relevance for various sectors such as agriculture, energy and civil defense.
Seasonal climate forecasting is of vital importance to society, having great relevance for various sectors such as agriculture, energy and civil defense.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate fluctuation
Given bacteria's short generation time and rapid responses to environmental change, seasonal climate fluctuations are very likely to play an important role in maintaining the extremely high α-diversity of soil bacterial community, which has been unfortunately neglected in previous studies.
Given bacteria's short generation time and rapid responses to environmental change, seasonal climate fluctuations are very likely to play an important role in maintaining the extremely high α-diversity of soil bacterial community, which has been unfortunately neglected in previous studies.
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The tree-level relationship between tree growth dynamics and environmental factors, including seasonal climate fluctuations were investigated by means of tree-level Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMMs).
The tree-level relationship between tree growth dynamics and environmental factors, including seasonal climate fluctuations were investigated by means of tree-level Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMMs).
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate characteristic
However, the production performance of the sector is largely depending on the good will of seasonal climate characteristics due to its long-lasting marriage of rain-fed based farming system.
However, the production performance of the sector is largely depending on the good will of seasonal climate characteristics due to its long-lasting marriage of rain-fed based farming system.
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weekly) and open access to subseasonal forecasts provide an unprecedented opportunity to improve the existing climate services in the region by focusing on the impacts of subseasonal climate characteristics on food insecurity in the region.
weekly) and open access to subseasonal forecasts provide an unprecedented opportunity to improve the existing climate services in the region by focusing on the impacts of subseasonal climate characteristics on food insecurity in the region.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate reconstruction
A comparison of seasonal climate reconstructions from two different regime frameworks (cluster analysis of the low-level zonal flow, and traditional blocking indices) is presented and contrasted with seasonal reconstructions using the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index.
A comparison of seasonal climate reconstructions from two different regime frameworks (cluster analysis of the low-level zonal flow, and traditional blocking indices) is presented and contrasted with seasonal reconstructions using the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index.
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A comparison of seasonal climate reconstructions from two different regime frameworks (cluster analysis of the low-level zonal flow, and traditional blocking indices) is presented and contrasted with seasonal
reconstructions using the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index.
A comparison of seasonal climate reconstructions from two different regime frameworks (cluster analysis of the low-level zonal flow, and traditional blocking indices) is presented and contrasted with seasonal
reconstructions using the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate dynamic
The ocean mixed layer plays an important role in subseasonal climate dynamics because it can exchange large amounts of heat with the atmosphere, and it evolves significantly on subseasonal timescal.
The ocean mixed layer plays an important role in subseasonal climate dynamics because it can exchange large amounts of heat with the atmosphere, and it evolves significantly on subseasonal timescal.
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Unlike in the Tropics, in the Mediterranean, temperate, alpine, and arctic regions, dendroanatomy and quantitative wood anatomy (QWA) are progressing fast attaining an intra-annual resolution, which allows a better understanding of seasonal climate dynamics and climate–growth relationships.
Unlike in the Tropics, in the Mediterranean, temperate, alpine, and arctic regions, dendroanatomy and quantitative wood anatomy (QWA) are progressing fast attaining an intra-annual resolution, which allows a better understanding of seasonal climate dynamics and climate–growth relationships.
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Seasonal Climate sentence examples within seasonal climate anomaly
Moreover, the intraseasonal climate anomaly values have been used to account for the deviations from normal in the rainfall pattern.
Moreover, the intraseasonal climate anomaly values have been used to account for the deviations from normal in the rainfall pattern.
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Blockings cause several days of quasi-stationary weather conditions, and therefore can result in monthly or seasonal climate anomalies and extreme weather events on the affected regions.
Blockings cause several days of quasi-stationary weather conditions, and therefore can result in monthly or seasonal climate anomalies and extreme weather events on the affected regions.
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More Seasonal Climate sentence examples
ABSTRACT The near‐surface electrical properties of faults can change with seasonal climate, depending on the nature of the materials filling the faults, e.
ABSTRACT The near‐surface electrical properties of faults can change with seasonal climate, depending on the nature of the materials filling the faults, e.
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More Seasonal Climate sentence examples
Additionally, variations in seasonal climate are known to affect pollen phenology in trees, weeds, and grasses.
Additionally, variations in seasonal climate are known to affect pollen phenology in trees, weeds, and grasses.
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More Seasonal Climate sentence examples
Seasonal climate is the main driver of crop growth and yield in broadacre grain cropping systems.
Seasonal climate is the main driver of crop growth and yield in broadacre grain cropping systems.
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More Seasonal Climate sentence examples
Notably, our analysis is restricted to the
near surface where firn density is most variable due to accumulation and
compaction variability driven by synoptic weather and seasonal climate
Notably, our analysis is restricted to the
near surface where firn density is most variable due to accumulation and
compaction variability driven by synoptic weather and seasonal climate
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More Seasonal Climate sentence examples
These diatomites accumulated in ephemeral ponds developed on loess sediments in dry environments and seasonal climate between the latest Pleistocene and Middle Holocene.
These diatomites accumulated in ephemeral ponds developed on loess sediments in dry environments and seasonal climate between the latest Pleistocene and Middle Holocene.
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More Seasonal Climate sentence examples
We identified significant trend patterns in LSP and their seasonal climate and land use / land cover drivers for each NEON domain.
We identified significant trend patterns in LSP and their seasonal climate and land use / land cover drivers for each NEON domain.
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More Seasonal Climate sentence examples
In this study, we monitored the daily basal area increments of 220 individuals belonging to 15 common broadleaved tree species, nine deciduous and six evergreen species, in mixed-species experimental stands in subtropical China and analysed the relationships between radial stem growth and seasonal climate at a high-temporal resolution.
In this study, we monitored the daily basal area increments of 220 individuals belonging to 15 common broadleaved tree species, nine deciduous and six evergreen species, in mixed-species experimental stands in subtropical China and analysed the relationships between radial stem growth and seasonal climate at a high-temporal resolution.
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More Seasonal Climate sentence examples
Paleosols from the early Holocene exhibit vertic properties probably formed by seasonal climates.
Paleosols from the early Holocene exhibit vertic properties probably formed by seasonal climates.
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More Seasonal Climate sentence examples
The latter turnover seems to be primarily related to a global sea-level drop (ichthyofauna: marine-littoral elements replaced by obligate freshwater taxa) and/or the onset of a drier and more seasonal climate in early Oligocene times (terrestrial components).
The latter turnover seems to be primarily related to a global sea-level drop (ichthyofauna: marine-littoral elements replaced by obligate freshwater taxa) and/or the onset of a drier and more seasonal climate in early Oligocene times (terrestrial components).
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More Seasonal Climate sentence examples
The geophytic habit is an evolutionarily and ecologically important growth form in plants, permitting novel life history strategies, enabling the occupation of more seasonal climates, mediating interactions between plants and their water and nutrient resources, and influencing macroevolutionary patterns by enabling differential diversification and adaptation.
The geophytic habit is an evolutionarily and ecologically important growth form in plants, permitting novel life history strategies, enabling the occupation of more seasonal climates, mediating interactions between plants and their water and nutrient resources, and influencing macroevolutionary patterns by enabling differential diversification and adaptation.
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Keywords related to Seasonal
Seasonal Weather
Seasonal Factors
Seasonal Maximum
Seasonal Frozen
Seasonal Crop
Seasonal Grazing
Seasonal Energy
Seasonal Models
Seasonal Forcing
Seasonal Dry
Seasonal Grey
Seasonal Spatial
Seasonal Solar
Seasonal Calving
Seasonal Freezing
Seasonal Trophic
Seasonal Prevalence
Seasonal Hydrological
Seasonal Electricity
Seasonal Variation
Seasonal Heat
Seasonal Malaria
Seasonal Phenology
Seasonal Environmental
Seasonal Storage
Seasonal Influence
Seasonal Wind
Seasonal Ice
Seasonal Evolution
Seasonal Forest
Seasonal Flu
Seasonal Killifish
Seasonal Component
Seasonal Association
Seasonal Dependence
Seasonal Timescales
Seasonal Response
Seasonal Differences
Seasonal Outbreak
Seasonal Interannual
Seasonal Effect
Seasonal Habitat
Seasonal Soil
Seasonal Runoff
Seasonal East
Seasonal Fluctuations
Seasonal Residential
Seasonal Cycles
Seasonal Wetland
Seasonal Development
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Keywords related to Climate
Simple Climate
Multi Decadal Climate
Investment Climate
Terrestrial Climate
Copernicus Climate
Multi Scale Climate
Participatory Climate
Tracking Climate
Micro Climate
Modern Climate
Short Term Climate
Ocean Climate
Uk Climate
Induced Climate
Holocene Climate
Voice Climate
Higher Climate
Eu Climate
Selected Climate
Hyper Arid Climate
Convection Permitting Climate
International Climate
Predicted Climate
City Climate
Versus Climate
Martian Climate
Exploring Climate
Communicating Climate
Short Lived Climate
Youth Climate
Marine Climate
Within Climate
Contemporary Climate
Historical Climate
Change Climate
Do Climate
Koppen Climate
Motivational Climate
Egyptian Climate
Emotional Climate
Cycle Climate
Natural Climate
Changed Climate
National Climate
Anthropogenic Climate
Advance Climate
Pleistocene Climate
Large Scale Climate
Mars Climate
Good Climate
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Seasonal Climate