Introduction to Sea Fan
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Sea Fan sentence examples within Deep Sea Fan
Coring, geophysical logging, and in-situ temperature measurements were performed with the MARUM-MeBo200 seafloor rig to characterize gas hydrate occurrences in sediments of the Danube deep sea fan, off Romania, Black Sea.
Coring, geophysical logging, and in-situ temperature measurements were performed with the MARUM-MeBo200 seafloor rig to characterize gas hydrate occurrences in sediments of the Danube deep sea fan, off Romania, Black Sea.
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<p>In the Mediterranean Basin, gas hydrate bottom simulating reflectors (BSR) are absent, with very few and spatially limited exceptions occurring in Eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes and in the Nile deep sea fan.
<p>In the Mediterranean Basin, gas hydrate bottom simulating reflectors (BSR) are absent, with very few and spatially limited exceptions occurring in Eastern Mediterranean mud volcanoes and in the Nile deep sea fan.
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Sea Fan sentence examples within North Sea Fan
This project will assess the source-to-sink parameters of the last glaciation (Weichselian) at the North Sea Fan, elucidating the dominant marine and terrestrial processes that led to the studied sedimentary sequences.
This project will assess the source-to-sink parameters of the last glaciation (Weichselian) at the North Sea Fan, elucidating the dominant marine and terrestrial processes that led to the studied sedimentary sequences.
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A large amount of Cretaceous-early Quaternary sediments have been removed below the angular unconformity along the west and southwest coast of Norway and deposited in the huge North Sea Fan at the mouth of the Norwegian Channel.
A large amount of Cretaceous-early Quaternary sediments have been removed below the angular unconformity along the west and southwest coast of Norway and deposited in the huge North Sea Fan at the mouth of the Norwegian Channel.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
Modern sand known to be derived from different source rocks and found in major world's rivers, deserts, and deep-sea fans fits in the pigeonholes defined by the relative abundance of quartz, feldspar, and lithic fragments.
Modern sand known to be derived from different source rocks and found in major world's rivers, deserts, and deep-sea fans fits in the pigeonholes defined by the relative abundance of quartz, feldspar, and lithic fragments.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
In this work, we investigated the molecular stable isotope compositions of hydrate-bound and dissolved gases in sediments of the Amazon deep-sea fan and adjacent continental slope, Foz do Amazonas Basin, Brazil.
In this work, we investigated the molecular stable isotope compositions of hydrate-bound and dissolved gases in sediments of the Amazon deep-sea fan and adjacent continental slope, Foz do Amazonas Basin, Brazil.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
The bamboo corals are often accompanied by cold-water gorgonian “sea fan” corals: Anthogorgia sp.
The bamboo corals are often accompanied by cold-water gorgonian “sea fan” corals: Anthogorgia sp.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
Using baited remote underwater videos (BRUVs), we quantified predator abundance and activity as a rough proxy for predation risk and analyzed key prey behaviors across coral reef, sea fan, seagrass, and sandy habitats.
Using baited remote underwater videos (BRUVs), we quantified predator abundance and activity as a rough proxy for predation risk and analyzed key prey behaviors across coral reef, sea fan, seagrass, and sandy habitats.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
Aspergillosis continues to be a significant infection resulting in morbidity and mortality in a variety of animal hosts, ranging from sea fans to elephants.
Aspergillosis continues to be a significant infection resulting in morbidity and mortality in a variety of animal hosts, ranging from sea fans to elephants.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
OCTA showed the typical "sea fan-shaped" neovascular membrane in all five eyes, whereas, in most cases, conventional imaging by FA and ICGA did not show clearly the neovascularization due to masking effect of the vitelliform material.
OCTA showed the typical "sea fan-shaped" neovascular membrane in all five eyes, whereas, in most cases, conventional imaging by FA and ICGA did not show clearly the neovascularization due to masking effect of the vitelliform material.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
In contrast, periods of glacial maximum lowstand were characterized by massive exports of sediments to the deep-sea via submarine canyons and accumulation in deep-sea fans.
In contrast, periods of glacial maximum lowstand were characterized by massive exports of sediments to the deep-sea via submarine canyons and accumulation in deep-sea fans.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
High amplitude seismic 20 reflectivity (HASR) imaged on an extensive 3D seismic dataset, consistently correlates with verified 21 active seafloor gas seepage and is pervasively distributed across the deep-sea fan of the Nile within 22 the Levant.
High amplitude seismic 20 reflectivity (HASR) imaged on an extensive 3D seismic dataset, consistently correlates with verified 21 active seafloor gas seepage and is pervasively distributed across the deep-sea fan of the Nile within 22 the Levant.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
A large spectrum of compositional signatures was used to: (i) assess the relative supply of the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers to estuarine and shelfal sediments; (ii) define the compositional variability of estuarine sediments and the impact exerted by hydraulic sorting and climate-related chemical weathering on provenance signals; (iii) define the compositional variability of shelf sediments and the potential hydrodynamic segregation of fast-settling heavy minerals in coastal environments and of slow-settling platy micas on low-energy outer-shelf floors; (iv) consider the potential additional mud supply from the western subaerial part of the delta formerly built by the Ganga River; and (v) draw a preliminary mineralogical comparison between fluvio-deltaic sediments and turbidites of the Bengal–Nicobar deep-sea fan, thus tracing sediment dispersal across the huge sedimentary system extending from Tibet to the equatorial Indian Ocean.
A large spectrum of compositional signatures was used to: (i) assess the relative supply of the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers to estuarine and shelfal sediments; (ii) define the compositional variability of estuarine sediments and the impact exerted by hydraulic sorting and climate-related chemical weathering on provenance signals; (iii) define the compositional variability of shelf sediments and the potential hydrodynamic segregation of fast-settling heavy minerals in coastal environments and of slow-settling platy micas on low-energy outer-shelf floors; (iv) consider the potential additional mud supply from the western subaerial part of the delta formerly built by the Ganga River; and (v) draw a preliminary mineralogical comparison between fluvio-deltaic sediments and turbidites of the Bengal–Nicobar deep-sea fan, thus tracing sediment dispersal across the huge sedimentary system extending from Tibet to the equatorial Indian Ocean.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
The same excursions are recorded in fringing deep-sea fans and in carbonate platforms on other paleocontinents.
The same excursions are recorded in fringing deep-sea fans and in carbonate platforms on other paleocontinents.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
The clay mineralogy and Sr Nd isotopic compositions have been analyzed for the detrital fraction of sediments from IODP Site U1457 located in the Laxmi basin, eastern Arabian Sea to constrain the sediment sources and reconstruct a high-resolution record of sediment export to the Indus deep-sea fan over the past 600 kyr.
The clay mineralogy and Sr Nd isotopic compositions have been analyzed for the detrital fraction of sediments from IODP Site U1457 located in the Laxmi basin, eastern Arabian Sea to constrain the sediment sources and reconstruct a high-resolution record of sediment export to the Indus deep-sea fan over the past 600 kyr.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
High amplitude seismic reflectivity (HASR), correlates with the active seafloor gas seepage and is distributed across the deep-sea fan of the Nile within the Levant Basin.
High amplitude seismic reflectivity (HASR), correlates with the active seafloor gas seepage and is distributed across the deep-sea fan of the Nile within the Levant Basin.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
The data set was measured in the area of the Danube deep-sea fan where regional seismic measurements indicate the presence of large regions of BSRs.
The data set was measured in the area of the Danube deep-sea fan where regional seismic measurements indicate the presence of large regions of BSRs.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
The orders Alcyonacea (soft corals) and Gorgonacea (sea fans) which are referred to as ahermatypes, or non-reef building corals, have contributed with promising bioactive marine compounds.
The orders Alcyonacea (soft corals) and Gorgonacea (sea fans) which are referred to as ahermatypes, or non-reef building corals, have contributed with promising bioactive marine compounds.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
However, the
impact of subtle gradient changes ( ∘ ) on sedimentary
processes along deep-sea fans still needs to be clarified.
However, the
impact of subtle gradient changes ( ∘ ) on sedimentary
processes along deep-sea fans still needs to be clarified.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
The mechanisms governing the development of deep-sea fans is a matter of debate and their understanding at Milankovitch and millenial time-scales is challenged by complex architectures and the lack of material suitable for establishing reliable chronostratigraphies.
The mechanisms governing the development of deep-sea fans is a matter of debate and their understanding at Milankovitch and millenial time-scales is challenged by complex architectures and the lack of material suitable for establishing reliable chronostratigraphies.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
Additionally, natural methane seepages through seafloor sediments have been identified across the Nile deep-sea fan, Levant Basin, Eratosthenes Seamount, and other localities in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Additionally, natural methane seepages through seafloor sediments have been identified across the Nile deep-sea fan, Levant Basin, Eratosthenes Seamount, and other localities in the Eastern Mediterranean.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
The percent cover of hard corals and sea fans was reduced by a factor of ∼1.
The percent cover of hard corals and sea fans was reduced by a factor of ∼1.
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More Sea Fan sentence examples
In the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean), the emplacement of a large (160 km3) mass transport deposit, the Rhone Western Mass Transport Deposit (RWMTD), at the base of slope, aside the Rhone deep-sea fan between 1800 and 2700 m water depth, resulted in a major modification of the sediment routing by clogging a drainage network and blocking at the base of slope sediments that were previously routed into the Valencia channel and the Balearic abyssal plain.
In the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean), the emplacement of a large (160 km3) mass transport deposit, the Rhone Western Mass Transport Deposit (RWMTD), at the base of slope, aside the Rhone deep-sea fan between 1800 and 2700 m water depth, resulted in a major modification of the sediment routing by clogging a drainage network and blocking at the base of slope sediments that were previously routed into the Valencia channel and the Balearic abyssal plain.
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Transonic Fan
Composite Fan
Football Fan
Contra Rotating Fan
Engine Fan
Ky Fan
Axial Fan
Damodar Fan
Ducted Fan
Centrifugal Fan
Multiple Fan
Cooling Fan
Small Fan
Deep Sea Fan
Sports Fan
Flow Fan
Piezoelectric Fan
Mediterranean Fan
Sublacustrine Fan
Ventilation Fan
Submarine Fan
Alluvial Fan
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Mine Fan
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Jet Fan
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Exhaust Fan
Ceiling Fan
Bengal Fan
Axial Flow Fan
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Sea Fan