Introduction to Rotating Retarder
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Rotating Retarder sentence examples within Dual Rotating Retarder
Due to the sensitivity of wave plates to the angle of incidence (AOI) of light, the accuracy of a dual rotating retarder Mueller matrix polarimeter is also influenced by the AOI.
Due to the sensitivity of wave plates to the angle of incidence (AOI) of light, the accuracy of a dual rotating retarder Mueller matrix polarimeter is also influenced by the AOI.
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Both acquisition speed and measurement accuracy are improved compared with those of a Mueller matrix microscope based on dual rotating retarders.
Both acquisition speed and measurement accuracy are improved compared with those of a Mueller matrix microscope based on dual rotating retarders.
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More Rotating Retarder sentence examples
We present a full Stokes imaging polarimeter using a rotating retarder in combination with a polarization camera-a detector array on which a pixelated polarizer array is attached.
We present a full Stokes imaging polarimeter using a rotating retarder in combination with a polarization camera-a detector array on which a pixelated polarizer array is attached.
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Rotating Rod
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Rotating Retarder