Introduction to Rights Within
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Rights Within sentence examples within Human Rights Within
The article argues that reconciliation of the goals of private law and human rights within the framework of just social practice makes it possible to argue that contract law principles can function as a tool for social inclusion.
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In an increasingly globalized world, there have been mounting calls for social accountability with respect to recognizing Indigenous and nonwhite human rights within nation states.
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Rights Within sentence examples within Property Rights Within
Regardless of the division of providing evidence, the existence of the actual possession by the actual possessor of the mortgage after the 10-year term, the new possessor has been recognized and registered the property rights within time limitation if the conditions prescribed in the law are actually fulfilled.
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In accordance with the rules of the Open University Chancellor Number: 162 of 2019 concerning awards for publication works and Intellectual Property Rights within the Universitas Terbuka environment, the letter explains that each lecturer is entitled to receive an award for each publication that has been made, It's just that currently the awarding process is still using manual methods, lecturers fill out the forms provided by the faculty.
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Rights Within sentence examples within Fundamental Rights Within
The responsibility for compliance with fundamental rights within those chains appears to be a problem.
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Palavras-chave: Estado federal; Constitucionalismo subnacional; Direitos fundamentais : Federations differ among themselves in terms of the autonomy space that their constitutions leave to the constitutional texts of subnational units, influencing the level of normative protection of fundamental rights within the framework of subnational constitutionalism.
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Rights Within sentence examples within Social Rights Within
The next section focuses on the potential of vulnerability to enhance migrants’ social rights within human rights law.
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This paper analyzes the assessment of the approach in exercising social rights within the social protection system in Bosnia and Herzegovina concerning the obstacles arising from the forms of assistance and services in the institutions of the social protection system.
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Rights Within sentence examples within Personal Rights Within
The novels twin maturity with increased ambiguity around national affiliation, and this article demonstrates how intergenerational bonds are challenged, rearranged, and maintained by the protagonists as they struggle for their personal rights within a patriarchal system.
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Malay women understood sexuality to be sexual intimacy within marriage, privileging their marital role as a “good wife” over their personal rights within a sexual relationship.
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Rights Within sentence examples within Labor Rights Within
Rights Within sentence examples within Land Rights Within
Over the course of the nineteenth century, colonisers developed their understandings of Aboriginal land rights within their own legal framework for property rights.
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This case study investigates the youth land rights within the context of household landholdings and allocations dynamics.
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Rights Within sentence examples within Citizenship Rights Within
In this introduction we reflect on urban migrants organising and mobilising to enact their own citizenship rights within specific urban spaces, and present each of the eight published articles, briefly illustrating the range of approaches and urban citizenship issues covered in this thematic issue.
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This chapter examines neoliberalism from the realm of disability and the implications for persons with disabilities in realising citizenship rights within the political arena.
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Rights Within sentence examples within New Rights Within
Through applying this doctrine often the ECtHR expands the ambit of human rights, recognises and incorporates the new rights within ECHR, updates and upgrades the old and backdated laws.
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Carers in the United Kingdom were given new rights within this legislation with a focus on needs led assessment.
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Rights Within sentence examples within rights within distributed
The paper also suggests a new blockchain-based method for delegation of rights within distributed computing systems which is free from shortcomings inherent in other solutions.
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The paper suggests a new approach based on blockchain technology and smart contracts to delegation of rights within distributed computing systems, which is fault-tolerant, safe and secure.
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Rights Within sentence examples within rights within eu
Based on a comprehensive analysis of rights within EU State constitutions, it is found that this distinction is overdrawn.
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Combining a genealogical analysis with the analysis of current discursive struggles around LGBTI rights within EU institutions, it shows that the rise of LGBTI rights is closely intertwined with the search for a common European identity, shared values, and attempts to strengthen solidarity in times when right-wing, nationalist, and Eurosceptic movements are increasingly challenging the EU’s legitimacy.
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Globally, human rights advocates, observers and even groups identifying as indigenous people have embraced the task of carving out these rights within an existent human rights framework and seeking the special recognition of these rights in novel legal instruments.
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Although the vulnerability reasoning has considerably expended their rights within the ambit of the Convention, the analysis has shown that inconsistencies and ambiguities emerge around the formulation of the applicant’s vulnerability and its gradation with respect to positive obligations.
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It seeks to understand the act of claiming for rights within the labor courts as a form of action and resistance of the working class against the authoritarian policies of the military governments.
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Theoretically, the paper contributes to the interdisciplinary literatures on commercial sex, gender, migration, and development policy by advancing a feminist political economy analysis of the constraints and opportunities for civil society actors seeking to advance sex workers’ rights within and beyond sexual health.
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The objective of the research is to analyze the main violations of children's rights within the European Convention on Human Rights to highlight the basic positions of the European Court of Human Rights ECHR on their protection, as well as to determine the advisability of applying the practice of this court by the European states.
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The result shows that the right to truth, the right to justice, the right to reparation and the guarantee of non-repetition are the forms of rights within the framework of transitional justice that must be given to the victims.
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It takes a child‐centered approach, prioritizing children's voices, experiences, and rights within a wider framework of evidence‐based policy development.
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If a mechanism is not competently designed to investigate and identify the deviations and threats to organizational health, it can lead to violation of rights within the organizations.
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This article, grounded within the argument that liberal citizenship and recognition-based approaches to decolonization are inappropriate responses to Indigenous calls to decolonize, proposes an alternative approach premised on re-evaluating non-Indigenous understandings of invitation, belonging and rights within the Canadian settler state.
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Riders’ conditions became public knowledge following a cycle of mobilisation that signalled the absence of rights within the gig economy.
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Ten young carers participated in an educational workshop, focused on their rights within the National Health Service, and the co-development of young carer identification cards.
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Based on his interpretation of verse 21 surah al-Rūm, verse 232 surah al-Baqarah, verse 195 surah Āl ‘Imrān, verse 38 surah al-Mā’idah, verse 34 surah al-Nisā’, verse 187 surah al-Baqarah, verse 228 surah al-Baqarah, verse 19 surah al-Nisā’, verse 229 surah al-Baqarah, verse 36 surah al-Nisā’, verse 15 surah al-Aḥqāf, verse 71 surah al-Tawbah, verse 12 surah al-Mumtaḥanah, and verse 34 surah al-Nisā’, Thoifur argues that women possess a number of rights within both domestic and public spheres.
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----- Transnational queer solidarity as a “burden of the fittest”? Problematic implications of framing LGBTIQ*-rights within the rationalities of development cooperation By critically interlinking insights from the field of postcolonial and ‚radical‘ development studies with queer critiques of homonationalism in global LGBTIQ*-politics, this article aims to discuss the tensions and contradictions between development cooperation and transnational queer solidarity.
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Using the experience of Panggungharjo Village, Bantul, this paper tries to understand the role of leadership in supporting the fulfillment of citizens’ rights within the context of Law 6/2014 on Villages.
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2 in conjunction with § 206 German Civil Code, he could have lost ownership as the original owners were prevented to claim their rights within the relevant time frame by force majeure.
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,Algorithm technologies are a part of a social ecosystem, and its development should be based on user interests and rights within a social and cultural milieu.
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Taking an alternative from this linear fashion, this paper presents the discourse of rights within an inhuman or spectral turn.
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Both in terms of the label ‘family member’ in itself since not all individuals that children count as their family members are recognized as such by the teachers, but also in terms of a learning of gender equality and children’s rights within these families.
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In this chapter, I first lay out what it means to be a non-citizen in Singapore and the various gradations of rights within that category.
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The recognition of the environmental role of rights within the paradigm of intergenerational environmental justice has been progressively influenced by the coexistence of another paradigm not necessarily exclusive to it, based on the recognition of intrinsic values and rights of nature, within the framework of intergenerational ecological justice.
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Finally, we will propose in this study that which, in our opinion, may be required from the States, and more specifically from the Spanish State, to guarantee the universality of women’s rights within the framework of religions.
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However, as a matter of consistency, citizens have a duty to show the citizens of other states equal concern and respect not only as shapers of the rights within their own state, but also as possessing the right to freely move to other states, and so not be arbitrarily disadvantaged through being born in one state rather than another, so long as such movement allows both the home and the host states to continue to supply the rights of their citizens.
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