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Review Regarding sentence examples within Literature Review Regarding
The focus of the work involves a literature review regarding the concepts presented together with an empirical analysis nourished by documentary sources and interviews with actors involved in the management of the instrument.
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This review intended to recommend waste effluent treatment and residual management for a brewery industry through a systematic literature review regarding the different industrial unit operations and processes, and waste streams, by focusing mainly on the current trends and emerging practices.
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Review Regarding sentence examples within Systematic Review Regarding
Background: The present study aimed to assess the determinants of waterpipe smoking among women based on a systematic review regarding the increasing prevalence of waterpipe smoking in women and the tendency of them to this type of tobacco.
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The research project that presents a complete update for a systematic review regarding the use of smartphones.
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Review Regarding sentence examples within Comprehensive Review Regarding
This article is a comprehensive review regarding the measures to prevent, contain and deal with a COVID-19 pandemic in the dialysis setting.
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The present article aims to provide a comprehensive review regarding antirheumatic drug use in older patients, particularly by focusing on safety issues and polypharmacy.
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Review Regarding sentence examples within Narrative Review Regarding
We conducted a narrative review regarding retrospective and prospective studies published from inception to May 2020 dealing with oncogenic-driven OM-NSCLC in order to: (I) describe the specific patterns of metastatic spread of oncogenic-driven NSCLC (i.
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In this article, we present: (1) an evaluation of the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) considering pharmaceutical pollution as a case study; (2) a narrative review regarding legislation of pharmaceutical disposal of several countries; and, finally, (3) reflections concerning alternatives for better management aiming to reduce pharmaceutical pollution.
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Review Regarding sentence examples within Scoping Review Regarding
We conducted a scoping review regarding the uses of abdominal non-radiologist point-of-care US, quality of examinations and training, patient perspective, financial costs and legal consequences following the use of non-radiologist point-of-care US.
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A scoping review regarding the available evidence of ERS involving healthcare provider referrals to QEPs was performed.
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Review Regarding sentence examples within Record Review Regarding
Information was collected from medical record review regarding patient demographics, lymphoma treatment and outcomes, and infectious outcomes.
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Data were retrospectively collected from medical record review regarding patient demographics and clinical features, time to development of systemic inflammatory disease, and medical management.
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Review Regarding sentence examples within Bibliographic Review Regarding
The aim of the present study is to carry out a bibliographic review regarding oral changes resulting from the use of electronic cigarettes.
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Methods: The study is a bibliographic review regarding the reading act and its social, ideological and political characteristics, added to discussions under the lens of Bakhtin that defends its position as a human right to be promoted.
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Review Regarding sentence examples within Mini Review Regarding
Taking into consideration the importance of genotoxicity induced by dimethoate, the purpose of this manuscript was to provide a mini review regarding genotoxicity induced by dimethoate as a result of oxidative stress.
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The purpose of this paper was to provide a mini review regarding the relationship between carcinogenesis and genotoxicity, oxidative stress, and inflammation induced by crack-cocaine.
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Review Regarding sentence examples within review regarding patient
Review Regarding sentence examples within review regarding oral
The aim of the present study is to carry out a bibliographic review regarding oral changes resulting from the use of electronic cigarettes.
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This study aims to report a patient with PYCD and conjointly present a comprehensive literature review regarding oral complications after oral surgery procedures.
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Review Regarding sentence examples within review regarding different
A literature review regarding different endoscopic techniques was performed for this article and a recommended therapeutic algorithm developed based on the guidelines of the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and the German Gastroenterological Society (DGVS).
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This article aims to present a review regarding different extraction techniques of biopolymers [natural (cellulose, chitin, lignin, pectin, starch, xylan), synthetic (polyglycolic acid (PGA), polylactic acid (PLA), polycaprolactone (PCL), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polymethayl methacrylate (PMMA)] from waste using bio-based methods.
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Review Regarding sentence examples within review regarding datum
We performed a systematic literature review regarding data about PCC epidemiology in India and meta-analyses for its prevalence in different zones of country and the methods employed for detection and based on this discussed possible control strategies.
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As such, the aim of this research is to present a systematic review regarding data mining (DM) and machine learning (ML) approaches adopted in the promotion of smart cities.
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Review Regarding sentence examples within review regarding scientific
Resumen La vacunacion frente a la epidemia de influenza A-H1N1 que se aplico durante la pandemia de 2009 ha demostrado tener una asociacion positiva con la aparicion de narcolepsia y/o cataplejia concomitante La narcolepsia es una hipersomnia que afecta de manera importante la calidad de vida de quien la padece El presente trabajo es una revision bibliografica actualizada acerca de la evidencia disponible en este sentido La literatura revisada demuestra una relacion positiva entre la vacuna frente a la influenza A-H1N1 y la aparicion de narcolepsia, si bien el mecanismo etiopatogenico es aun desconocido, por lo que se hacen necesarios mas estudios, especialmente en el momento actual, en que algunos autores apuntan a que la vacuna frente a SARS COVID-19 podria causar efectos similares que es necesario minimizar The vaccination against influenza A-H1N1 applied during the pandemic of 2009 demonstrated a positive association with the appearance of narcolepsy and/or concomitant cataplexy Narcolepsy is a hypersomnia that affects greatly quality life of people that suffer from it The present manuscript is an updated literature review regarding scientific evidence in this field Reviewed scientific literature shows a positive relation between A-H1N1 vaccine and appearance of narcolepsy cases, however, etiopathogenic aspects are still unknown, so more studies are necessary, especially in the current moment, were some authors estipulate that a vaccine against SARS COVID-19 could cause similar effects that is crucial to minimize them.
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The present manuscript is an updated literature review regarding scientific evidence in this field.
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However, literature suggests the need of a review regarding the addition of Manual Therapy (MT) to the Therapeutic Exercise (TE) program.
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The results of the review regarding the quality of Transjakarta bus service during the pandemic are expected to be a consideration for PT Transjakarta in improving its services in the future.
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This paper is a review regarding the relationship among Type 2 diabetes (T2D), religious beliefs andpsychological interventions.
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More than 160 research articles were included in this review regarding the Mimosa genus.
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