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Identification of environmental supply chain bottlenecks: a case study of the Ethiopian healthcare supply chain


Review Identifying sentence examples within Systematic Review Identifying

A Systematic Review of Current Teleophthalmology Services in New Zealand Compared to the Four Comparable Countries of the United Kingdom, Australia, United States of America (USA) and Canada

Temporal trends in clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention: a systematic review of 66,327 patients from 25 all-comers trials.

Review Identifying sentence examples within Chart Review Identifying

Clinical factors associated with adverse outcomes in the acute period of management of submassive pulmonary embolism

Factors Associated with a Label of Failure to Cope in Older Medical Inpatients: a Case-Control Study*

Review Identifying sentence examples within Retrospective Review Identifying

Free tissue transfer for central skull base defect reconstruction: Case series and surgical technique.

A Multi-institutional Experience with Robotic Vesicovaginal and Ureterovaginal Fistula Repair After Iatrogenic Injury.

Review Identifying sentence examples within review identifying patient

A Multi-institutional Experience with Robotic Vesicovaginal and Ureterovaginal Fistula Repair After Iatrogenic Injury.

Clinical factors associated with adverse outcomes in the acute period of management of submassive pulmonary embolism

Review Identifying sentence examples within review identifying study

Assessing the Rotation of the First Metatarsal on Computed Tomography Scans: A Systematic Literature Review.

Instructional Interventions That Support Student Engagement: An International Perspective

Review Identifying sentence examples within review identifying existing

Lights! Cameras! Action!

Designing a survey assessing the scale and spread of integrated care in the iCOACH project

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Game Analytics Research: Status and Trends

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Review Identifying