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Regional Sustainability sentence examples within Achieve Regional Sustainability

The features and influential factors of interactions among ecosystem services

Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of ecosystem service supply and demand across the conterminous United States: A multiscale analysis.

Regional Sustainability sentence examples within Enhance Regional Sustainability

Relationship Between the Built Environment and the Location Choice of High-Tech Firms: Evidence from the Pearl River Delta

Improved Pastures Support Early Indicators of Soil Restoration in Low-input Agroecosystems of Nicaragua

Regional Sustainability sentence examples within Toward Regional Sustainability

The Nexus between Urbanization and Traffic Accessibility in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Urban Agglomerations, China

Creating Transdisciplinary Teaching Spaces. Cooperation of Universities and Non-University Partners to Design Higher Education for Regional Sustainable Transition

Regional Sustainability sentence examples within Promoting Regional Sustainability

Effects of terracing on soil properties in three key mountainous regions of China

Making place-based sustainability initiatives visible in the Brazilian Amazon

Regional Sustainability sentence examples within regional sustainability assessment

Coordinating socio-economic and environmental dimensions to evaluate regional sustainability —towards an integrative framework

Three-dimensional ecological footprint based on ecosystem service value and their drivers: A case study of Urumqi

Regional Sustainability sentence examples within regional sustainability transformation

Sustainability Transfer as a Concept for Universities in Regional Transformation—A Case Study

Sustainability in Brandenburg Study Programs. Perspectives for Anchoring Sustainability in Higher Education Curricula

City Region Food Systems: Building Resilience to COVID-19 and Other Shocks

Tropical Cyclones as an Emerging Global Disaster Risk and Management Issue

Detecting Chamoli landslide precursors in the southern Himalayas using remote sensing data


Electrifying with High-Temperature Water Electrolysis to Produce Syngas from Wood via Oxy-Gasification, Leading to Superior Carbon Conversion Yield for Methanol Synthesis

The impact of the spatial configuration of socioeconomic services on rural–urban dependencies in Northern Jordan

More Regional Sustainability sentence examples

Hierarchical analysis of landscape urbanization and its impacts on regional sustainability: A case study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt of China

More Regional Sustainability sentence examples

The hidden risk in China’s cropland conversion from the perspective of slope

Matching Ecosystem Services Supply and Demand through Land Use Optimization: A Study of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Megacity

Integrating Japanese Local Government and Communities into the Educational Curriculum on Regional Sustainability Inside the UNESCO’s Biosphere Reserves and Geoparks

Comparing Regional Sustainability and Transportation Sustainability at the Metropolitan Level in the U.S. using Artificial Neural Network Clustering Techniques

More Regional Sustainability sentence examples

Quantification and driving force analysis of ecosystem services supply, demand and balance in China.

Identification and countermeasures of limiting factors of regional sustainable development: a case study in the Pearl River Delta of China

Severe Nitrate Pollution and Health Risks of Coastal Aquifer Simultaneously Influenced by Saltwater Intrusion and Intensive Anthropogenic Activities

More Regional Sustainability sentence examples

Tracing the spatial variation and value change of ecosystem services in Yellow River Delta, China

More Regional Sustainability sentence examples

Scenario analysis of a sustainable water-food nexus optimization with consideration of population-economy regulation in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region

Synthesizing plausible futures for biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe and Central Asia using scenario archetypes

More Regional Sustainability sentence examples

Keberlanjutan Wilayah: Keterkaitan Desa-Kota dalam Aktivitas Minapolitan di Kabupaten Malang

Factors impacting airline efficiency in southern Africa: a data envelopment analysis

Landscape metric in the analysis of urban form in Cekungan Bandung urban region

Regional Sustainability, Individual Expectations and Work Motivation: A Multilevel Analysis

Intercropping potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) increases water use efficiency in dry conditions

Spatial-temporal Coupling and Coordinating between Urbanization and Tourism Development: A Case Study of Zhoushan Archipelago, China

Regional Analysis and Diagnosis

More Regional Sustainability sentence examples

Direct and embodied energy-water-carbon nexus at an inter-regional scale

Assessing the Regional Sustainability of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration from 2000 to 2015 Using the Human Sustainable Development Index

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Regional Sustainability