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Recycled Waste sentence examples within Incorporating Recycled Waste

Advantages and shortcomings of the utilization of recycled wastes as aggregates in structural concretes

Performance evaluation of sustainable high strength mortars incorporating high volume waste glass as binder

Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste material

The Utilization of Glass Waste as Fine Aggregate Replacement and Rice Husk Ash as Cement Replacement in Concrete: A Review


Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste glas

The role of recycled waste glass incorporation on the carbonation behaviour of sodium carbonate activated slag mortar

An exploration into the utilization of recycled waste glass as a surrogate powder to crushed stone dust in asphalt pavement construction

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Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste plastic

Repurposing waste plastics into cleaner asphalt pavement materials: A critical literature review

Study on Behavior of Concrete Mixes using Waste Plastics as an alternative for Coarse Aggregates

Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste tire

Subject Review: A Comparison of Using Recycled Rubber as Aggregate in Concrete

Study on Possible Application of Rubber Granulate from the Recycled Tires as an Elastic Cover of Prototype Rail Dampers, with a Focus on Their Operational Durability

Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste concrete

Effect of basalt fiber on metakaolin-based geopolymer mortars containing rilem, basalt and recycled waste concrete aggregates

Effect of synthesis parameters on the development of unconfined compressive strength of recycled waste concrete powder-based geopolymers

Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste cooking

An expert system based on 1H NMR spectroscopy for quality evaluation and adulteration identification of edible oils

Innovative applications of waste cooking oil as raw material

Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste product

Damselfish Stegastes nigricans increase algal growth within their territories on shallow coral reefs via enhanced nutrient supplies

A field and laboratory investigation of kerb side inlet pits using four media types.

Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste ceramic

Green high strength concrete containing recycled waste ceramic aggregates and waste carpet fibers: Mechanical, durability, and microstructural properties

Recycled ceramic waste high strength concrete containing wollastonite particles and micro-silica: A comprehensive experimental study

Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste polypropylene

New Composites from Waste Polypropylene/Eggshell Characterized by High Flame Retardant and Mechanical Properties

Mechanical Properties and Fracture Morphological Observation of Recycled Polypropylene (rPP) Filled Dried Banana Leaves Fibre (DBLF) Composites: Effects of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Surface Treatment

Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste paper

Production of lightweight mortar using recycled waste papers and pulverized ceramics: Mechanical and microscale properties

Characterization of Manmade and Recycled Cellulosic Fibers for Their Application in Building Materials

Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste carton

Performance and Durability of Cellulose Pulp-Reinforced Extruded Earth-based Composites

Effect of cellulose pulp fibres on the physical, mechanical, and thermal performance of extruded earth-based materials

Recycled Waste sentence examples within recycled waste tend

Segmentation of municipal solid waste using artificial neural networks

Ecological engineering as a way to reduce industrial waste

System Dynamics as Ex Ante Impact Assessment Tool in International Development Cooperation: Study Case of Urban Sustainability Policies in Darkhan, Mongolia

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Developing Waste Management System based on Open-Source ERP

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Enhancing Technological Development Using Novel Internet Of Things Solutions: The Smart-Bin Project

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Productivity and heavy metal pollution management in a silage maize field with reduced recycled wastewater applications with different irrigation methods.

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Polystyrene fibers recycled waste produced by Solution Blow spinning with TiO2 incorporation

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Fabrication and characterization of Neem leaves waste material reinforced composites

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Toward “Zero Liquid Discharge” industrial facilities: Reducing the impact on freshwater resources by reusing industrial and urban wastewaters

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Evaluation of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants from various materials in professional seating furnishing wastes from French flows.

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A novel risk score-based prioritization method for pollutants in reclaimed water.

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E-waste for interior accessories: an exploration of material recycling

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Public attention and sentiment of recycled water: Evidence from social media text mining in China

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Developing a Sustainable Concrete using Waste Glass and Rubber for Application in Precast Pedestrian Slabs

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Acetaminophen Concentrations Found in Recycled Wastewater alter Soil Microbial Community Structure and Functional Diversity

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Manufacturing of carbon black from spent tyre pyrolysis oil – A literature review

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Free living amoebae isolation in irrigation waters and soils of an insular arid agroecosystem.

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Experimental and numerical investigation of eco-friendly materials for building envelope

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Circular Economy on Non-Biodegradable Waste Management with MASARO Technology

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Bamboo leaf ash for use as mineral addition with Portland cement

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Comparative aspects regarding a novel lightweight concrete of structural grade containing brick aggregate as coarse particles and expanded polystyrene beads

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Circular economy in Brazilian construction industry: Current scenario, challenges and opportunities.

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Influence of Industrial Wastes and Different Fluxes on Hot Metal Desulfurization Efficiency

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Implementation of circular economy in the management of municipal solid waste in an Italian medium-sized city: A 30-years lasting history.

Constructed Technosols: A Strategy toward a Circular Economy

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Performance Characteristics of Road-base Containing Mixed Steel Slag and Cathode Ray Tube Glass

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Pilot-scale direct UV-C photodegradation of pesticides in groundwater and recycled wastewater for agricultural use

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Sorption and degradation of contaminants of emerging concern in soils under aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

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Optimal Parameters Synthesis of Biodiesel From Frying Oils Wastes

The investigation of combined ventilation-biofilter systems on odor reduction efficiency by using recycled treated wastewater.

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Adoption of green jobs in Mauritius: drivers and challenges

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Microstructure and compressive strength of gypsum-bonded composites with papers, paperboards and Tetra Pak recycled materials

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Sustainable energy recovery from recycling and incineration of waste absorbent hygiene products

Urban solid waste in the southern of Rio Grande do Sul state

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A Statistical Study of Emission and Generation of Wastes Containing Mercury, and Their Treatment in Ukraine

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A formal model concerning policy strategies to build public acceptance of potable water reuse.

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Solutions to Marine Pollution in Canary Islands’ Ports: Alternatives and Optimization of Energy Management

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Recycling of dyed fiber waste to minimize resistance and to prepare electro thermal conductive bar

Communications on Technological Innovations: Potable Water Reuse

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Water scarcity impacts on global food production

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Perancangan Game Pengenalan Sampah Berbasis Android Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa Terhadap Jenis-Jenis Sampah

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Environmental sustainability of phosphorus recycling from wastewater, manure and solid wastes.

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Translocation of pharmaceuticals from wastewater into beehives.

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Can adoption of pollution prevention techniques reduce pollution substitution?

The investigation of combined ventilation-biofilter systems using recycled treated wastewater on odor reduction efficiency