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Provenance and recycling of Sahara Desert sand

Properties of Mortars with Recycled Stone Aggregate for the Reconstruction of Sandstone in Historic Buildings

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Recycling of Sahara desert sand, a comprehensive provenance study approach.

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Mechanical and microstructural evolution of 3D printed concrete with polyethylene fiber and recycled sand at elevated temperatures

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An attempt to estimate the fulfillment of Kaiser Effect in earth concrete mixtures

Performance of Green Concrete and Inorganic Coating Materials

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Analytical study on mechanical properties of concrete containing crushed recycled coarse aggregate as an alternative of natural sand

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Plastic shrinkage and cracking of 3D printed mortar with recycled sand

Mechanical Properties and Micro Mechanism of Nano-Clay-Modified Soil Cement Reinforced by Recycled Sand

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Economic viability of implementing an infrastructure for recycling bedding sand from a free-stall facility for dairy cows

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Description of the Characteristics of Five Bedding Materials and Association With Bulk Tank Milk Quality on Five New York Dairy Herds

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The effect of the drying temperature on water porosity and gas permeability of recycled sand mortar

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Cross-sectional study of the relationships among bedding materials, bedding bacteria counts, and intramammary infection in late-lactation dairy cows.

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Grain size distribution of aggregates of crushed concrete

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Feasibility of manufacturing ultra-high performance cement-based composites (UHPCCs) with recycled sand: A preliminary study.

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Geochemistry of the Gulf of Aden Beach Sands, Al-Mukalla, Yemen: Provenance and tectonic setting implications

Influence of Graphene Oxide on the Mechanical Properties, Fracture Toughness, and Microhardness of Recycled Concrete

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La segunda vida de los residuos de construcción. Propuesta para reutilizar como agregado árido reciclado y residuos de material aislante = The second life of construction waste. Proposal to reuse recycled fine aggregate and residues of insulating materials

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Elucidation of Provenance, Palaeoclimate and Tectonic Setting of the Gondwana Sandstones of Arunachal Himalayas: A Petrographic Approach

Paleoenvironmental Archives in Rock Rinds and Sand/Silt Coatings

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Recycled Sand