Introduction to Recycled Powders
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In this study, the microstructure and mechanical properties of a nickel-based superalloy fabricated by laser powder-bed fusion (LPBF) using recycled powders were investigated.
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There are few comprehensive studies on the microstructure and mechanical properties of SLM-produced parts using recycled powders, especially for maraging steels.
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The first step in reusing the recycled powders in the 3D printing process is to characterize the microstructure and surface quality of the powder for oxidation and impurity analysis.
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The possibility to reduce costs of the additive manufacturing (AM) technologies by using recycled powders is still an open question.
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4:1, which has the highest efficiency of recycled powders (91.
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A detailed characterization and comparison of the feedstock and recycled powders is essential in order to understand the number of times a powder can be recycled.
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On the other hand, flowing properties are similar among the two virgin and recycled powders, with only a significant change in the fraction of fines for SLS material.
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Lastly, the effect of using fresh or recycled powders, on the microstructure and mechanical properties of DED 316L stainless steel parts is investigated.
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Reusing the recycled powders can significantly reduce the powder consumption, production cost and time.
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