Introduction to Recycled Materials
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Recycled Materials sentence examples within asphalt pavement construction
ABSTRACT This study quantifies the potential environmental benefits associated with the incorporation of industrial by-products and recycled materials combined with warm mix asphalt (WMA) additives in wearing course mixtures for asphalt pavement construction.
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The increased use of softer binders in Illinois over the past decade is primarily attributed to the increased use of recycled materials in asphalt pavement construction.
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Recycled Materials sentence examples within Using Recycled Materials
Recycled Materials sentence examples within Incorporate Recycled Materials
Therefore, finding ways to incorporate recycled materials to replace these conventional components can be used to improve the sustainability of the FRCC.
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Currently, there is an increasing need to incorporate recycled materials, such as rubber, in building materials in order to meet sustainability issues.
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Recycled Materials sentence examples within Incorporating Recycled Materials
Moreover, in order to protect the environment and based on the principles of sustainable development, it was considered urgent to produce a High Strength Concrete incorporating recycled materials in addition to silica fume and a high-efficiency superplasticizer.
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The methodology highlighted in the paper can be easily adapted to other scenarios, hence facilitating multi-attribute decision-making processes when incorporating recycled materials in roads and leading to better informed decisions.
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Recycled Materials sentence examples within Different Recycled Materials
The use of different recycled materials contributes to seize the negative impact of huge amount of waste on the ecosystem.
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The authors evaluate the functioning and performance of WM sites under various real-world scenarios, such as different waste arrival times, changes of the volume of waste due to population growth, changes in the shares of different recycled materials due to increasing awareness and public campaigns.
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Recycled Materials sentence examples within Selected Recycled Materials
Based on the test results, the uniaxial properties of selected recycled materials are examined in conjunction with a detailed characterisation of the RPVC granule size and geometry.
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This research presents a synthesis of the state of the art of selected recycled materials in pavement construction and limitations of existing environmental and economic analysis.
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Recycled Materials sentence examples within Coarse Recycled Materials
The global heat resistance (Rc) within a green roof is affected by the humidity content of the substrate layer in which the coarse recycled materials can be used.
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In this study, the green roofs with unsaturated substrate and drainage layers incorporating coarse recycled materials were tested and assessed.
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Recycled Materials sentence examples within recycled materials instead
It does not just mean the use of recycled materials instead of virgin material, as there are many ways for the public administration to become greener.
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Our findings indicate that using paper–plastic composite bags instead of laminated plastic woven bags and using recycled materials instead of new materials in certain production phases can considerably reduce the environmental impacts of cement packaging.
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Recycled Materials sentence examples within recycled materials application
Advanced construction techniques, renewable energy resources and recycled materials applications are three highly recommended aspects of policy interpretations.
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Recycled materials applications, transport distance managements and located climate conditions are three identified aspects of strikingly affecting environmental impacts of asphalt pavement construction.
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It is concluded that the concrete curb mixture developed from recycled materials to make garden planters is an excellent alternative to reduce waste concrete and to recycle PET plastics.
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Finally, the ecological analysis revealed that the concrete made with recycled materials is Eco-friendlier and contributes to sustainable development of construction industry.
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Chemoresponsive supramolecular systems with infinite switching capability are important for applications in recycled materials and intelligent devices.
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The thoughtful utilization of natural resources in construction practices and the usage of recycled materials in the production of concrete can be a solution.
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Meanwhile, Iran is ranked as one of the good countries in building growth and green energy in the Middle East and other countries, according to the US Green Building Council's ranking of energy consumption, renewable energy, and recycled materials in 2015-2016.
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In this study, we investigate a manufacturer’s production decisions with the sequential use of raw and recycled materials in a single production process in which production setup is crucial to product conformance.
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The investigation consisted of the elaboration and application of the “Playshops ou Playing Workshops”, with the objective of promoting face-to-face meetings that would lead the children to build toys with recycled materials and to characterize them through responses to previously elaborated observation sheets.
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There are two advantages, such as a simple production process and the use of recycled materials.
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Disposal of recycled materials is targeted at saving the natural resources and reducing the volume of wastes that have to be disposed of in special landfills.
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The thermogravimetric analysis results showed that the presence of bio-fillers stabilized the thermal properties of composites and decreased the thermo-mechanical degradation of recycled materials.
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As considerable amount of waste materials and by-products are generated from the urban and industrial production systems, efforts to utilize such materials resourcefully have received increasing attention in order to increase the use of recycled materials and reduce landfill disposal.
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The examples - depending on the function performed - were divided into groups: energy production, pollution absorption, thermal energy storage, response to environmental conditions and the use of recycled materials.
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In addition, contents of titanium dioxide and the quantity of recycled materials in glass beads are specified and durability of road marking systems is included.
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These critical elements are mostly geologically dispersed, and mainly recovered from recycled materials.
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Finally, the results highlight the importance of the use of rheological measurements to detect the influence of contaminants in recycled materials.
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Renewable or recycled materials have been widely used in the construction industry to achieve a sustainable target.
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Modeling the use or the supply of recycled materials in a product-oriented Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is challenging and a step in LCA that is typically associated with diverging practices and outcomes.
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Steadily increasing production cost in the paper industry require more efficient resource allocation and utilization of recycled materials and the use of renewable materials and additives to become more environmentally friendly.
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The present book chapter stands for the appraisal on the topic of applications of the wastes in the manufacturing of concrete with green concept and a preliminary understanding of the advantages of the practice of incorporating various industrial and solid wastes as well as recycled materials in developing them.
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The data indicate that the addition of low percentage (5%) of sepiolite or LTA zeolite improves some mechanical and rheological properties of WPP-recycled materials.
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The study involved 25 children engaged in three problem-solving activities requiring the manipulation of Lego® and some recycled materials.
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Several methods are used to increase the stability and service life of railway structure, also using recycled materials in ballast bed construction can be a way for railway sustainable development.
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The massive growth of the construction sector has increased demand for sustainable concrete that meets the requirements of modern eco-friendly policies; this in turn has made it necessary to reuse abundant and recycled materials to achieve this end.
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Discussion from this paper showed that recycled materials such as rubber and plastics can be used to reduce the thermal conductivity of cementitious composites when used as a replacement of up to 50% of natural aggregates.
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Wastes in developing countries, if properly managed, can be potential source of energy, recycled materials, and revenue.
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Bio-based recycling systems and agricultural production using recycled materials are often evaluated separately.
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Meanwhile, FeNC@C was proved to be less pH dependence, high stability, and well-recycled materials for practical application in wastewater purification.
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Finally, the results highlight the importance of the use of rheological measurements to detect the influence of contaminants in recycled materials.
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The pilot retaining wall structure promotes the use of recycled materials with a sustainable design, while adhering to government-mandated measures.
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Therefore, there is the question of finding recycling technologies, replacing new materials with recycled materials in order to minimise the amount of waste, which does not involve too much expenditure with their implementation and at the same time does not raise particular problems when applying them in industrial practice.
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Several past studies have demonstrated merit to using tracer‐based energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis to investigate blending between virgin and recycled materials in asphalt mixtures.
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Recommendations are provided on how to further investigate and improve the properties of the stabilized WFS mixtures, and recycled materials in similar for reuse in pavement constructions.
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, steel, polypropylene, carbon fibers), recycled materials (e.
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The future challenge includes strengthening the economic markets for recycled materials.
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The use of recycled materials is a key element in generating sustainable pavement designs to save natural resources, reduce energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and costs.
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Recent trends in waste management have initiated interest in recycled materials for sound absorption applications.
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The results indicated that with the introduction of the polymer composite, significant enhancement of the recycled materials in the aspects of processability, tensile strength, flexural performance, and impact force could be obtained, and the POE-g-MAH/CaCO3/HDPE polymer composite would contribute to the impressive balance between high rigidity and toughness.
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It used recycled materials that did not eliminate the aesthetic impression in the interior.
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In recent years, recycled materials have become possible alternative sources of carbon with several advantages.
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The recycled materials were successfully used in many applications, such as supercapacitors.
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A minor part of them is employed as recycled materials and the residual amount is stockpiled or buried.
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The paper tackles a topic related to the use of prime material and recycled materials in construction, in the framework of the circular economy, where recycled aggregates can be considered.
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As a consequence, novel thermo-insulating building materials or products have been developed by using both locally produced natural and waste/recycled materials that are able to provide good thermal performances while also having a lower environmental impact.
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Use of recycled materials and incorporation of sustainable development ideas are one of the most popular trends in civil engineering.
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On the other hand, results of the implementation in the aluminum industry show that increasing the coefficient of recycled materials’ use in the production of secondary aluminum has a significant impact on the Pareto boundary and leads to reducing production costs and in particular the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.
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