Introduction to Recycled Gypsum
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Recycled Gypsum sentence examples within recycled gypsum plaster
Plasterboard sheets were produced that were fully recycled with recycled gypsum plaster and recycled lining paper.
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Influence of the heating temperature and fineness on the hydration and mechanical property of recycled gypsum plaster was investigated to find the suitable heating temperature and fineness.
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However, the use of recycled gypsum only makes sense if it is environmentally friendly.
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The focus was placed on four major sectors for which the use of recycled gypsum is technically feasible: plasterboard manufacturing, cement industry, disinfection of sewage sludge, and agriculture.
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Technical feasibility of using recycled gypsum of civil construction as an agricultural input A B S T R A C T The disposal of gypsum waste without observing the necessary precautions can promote the contamination of the air, soil and groundwater.
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As a dispersed phase was used recycled gypsum from construction waste.
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