Introduction to Recycled Clay
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Recycled Clay sentence examples within recycled clay brick
This study examines the workability, strength, and microstructure of high strength eco-concrete incorporating recycled clay brick aggregate and calcined clay.
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Two different types of concrete with different substituted coarse aggregates are studied, namely Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC) and Recycled clay Bricks Concrete (RBC).
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Recycled Clay sentence examples within recycled clay masonry
To investigate the traffic-induced resilient and permanent deformation behaviors as well as the shear and particle breakage properties of the unbound recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) & recycled clay masonry (RCM) blends, a series of consolidated drained, resilient deformation and permanent deformation tests by a large-scale dynamic triaxial apparatus were performed.
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Blends of Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) with Recycled Clay Masonry (RCM) with proportions of 100/0, 90/10, 80/20, 70/30, 55/45, 40/60, 20/80, and 0/100 by the total aggregate mass were evaluated for use as UGMs.
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Clay minerals in both basins are assumed to be the residual products of incongruent silicate weathering in drainage areas, and their long-term variations are weakly impacted by postdeposition diagenesis and recycled clays (see Figs.
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The SEM-EDX and BET analysis for recycled clays further confirmed that the metal ions were removed from water through adsorption onto the clay.
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