Introduction to Recycled Cathode
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Recycled Cathode sentence examples within recycled cathode ray
This study intends to evaluate the feasibility of the use of recycled cathode ray tube (CRT) glass in water-foamed asphalt mixtures used in low volume roads.
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This paper investigates the influences of the content and particle size of recycled cathode ray tube (CRT) glass on the damping ratio of the CRT glass concrete by free vibration attenuation method.
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This study intends to evaluate the feasibility of the use of recycled cathode ray tube (CRT) glass in water-foamed asphalt mixtures used in low volume roads.
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The recycled metals are the major source of both economic and environmental benefits at present due to the huge amount, but the recycled cathode active materials will be more valuable with the development of traction batteries.
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This paper investigates the influences of the content and particle size of recycled cathode ray tube (CRT) glass on the damping ratio of the CRT glass concrete by free vibration attenuation method.
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The recycled cathode ray tube (CRT) funnel glass was used as replacement of magnetite sand in the concrete, and its mass replacement rates were 0, 20%, 40% and 60%, respectively.
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