Introduction to Rape Myth
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Rape Myth sentence examples within Illinoi Rape Myth
This study explores the factor structure and the other psychometric properties of the updated Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (IRMAS), in the Indian context.
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Psikopati diukur dengan Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale, sedangkan penerimaan mitos pemerkosaan diukur dengan Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale Short Form.
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Rape Myth sentence examples within Greater Rape Myth
Men, participants with greater rape myth acceptance, and men with lower levels of rape empathy rated the victim’s believability as significantly lower than women, participants with less rape myth acceptance, and men with higher rape empathy.
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college undergraduate sample of 120 women and 82 men in Study 1, exposure to these metaphors led to greater rape myth acceptance among men (but not among women).
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Rape Myth sentence examples within Male Rape Myth
This may be related to underreported or insufficient data on male survivors or possibly the acceptance of male rape myths.
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The present work utilises a large and diverse participant sample over two studies (Study 1 N = 510, Study 2 N = 527) to validate a new Male Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (MRMAS), measuring myths falling under six principle themes: masculinity, sexuality, pleasure, perpetrators, context, and effect.
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Rape Myth sentence examples within Endorsed Rape Myth
Results indicated that participants who confirmed a recent history of SA endorsed rape myths to a greater degree, held more adversarial sexual beliefs, reported higher levels of sociosexuality, and were less likely to construct the SA encounters as rape when compared with women who do not report recent SA or coercion.
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This study used a cognitive dissonance mechanism that required college students to write essays dispelling previously endorsed rape myth beliefs.
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Rape Myth sentence examples within Reducing Rape Myth
The study aimed at determining the effectiveness of rape prevention education facilitated by a police officer and/or a school nurse at reducing rape myths acceptance, improving rape victim empathy, and reducing rape risk behaviors among school adolescents.
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With this mixed-methods documentary intervention research study, we assessed the impact of the short, educational documentary My Masculinity Helps (MMH) on Black male high school students in reducing rape myth acceptance and affirming active bystander attitudes and behaviors.
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Rape Myth sentence examples within Subtle Rape Myth
Rape Myth sentence examples within rape myth acceptance
Rape Myth sentence examples within rape myth attitude
Male and female actors were generally perceived to be equally sexually interested, but when gender role and rape myth attitudes were controlled for, the female actor was perceived to be more sexually interested than the male actor (by both male and female participants).
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A significant relationship was found between men’s sexual attitudes and understanding of legal terms and their willingness to intervene if a sexual assault occurred; less legal knowledge and higher rape myth attitudes reduced their probability of being willing to intervene.
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Acceptance of the rape myths (ARM) refers to a set of attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes that tend to make women responsible for rapes or sexual assaults, and to rationalize, minimize or justify the behaviors of sexual offenders.
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We also measured participants on mating effort, aggression, socioeconomic status (SES), the dark triad traits (psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism), and endorsement of sexual coercion through acceptance of rape myths.
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Nevertheless, in cases of sexual violence, the implementation of these mechanisms in criminal proceedings leaves much to desire due to the affect of gender stereotypes and rape myths.
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Rape myths are cultural beliefs that invalidate, blame, and stigmatize rape survivors, thereby perpetuating sexual violence.
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She argues, from her own experience, that the reliance on rape myth, the defence of limitations and the use of biased ‘expert’ medical witnesses are deeply offensive, especially when used by the Church.
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The prevalence of rape myths, or false beliefs about rape that blame victims of sexual violence and excuse perpetrators of sexual violence, has been documented throughout a wide range of media content.
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Rape culture is a provocative topic in Malaysia; the public discourse on it is plagued by gender stereotyping, sexism, misogyny, and rape myths.
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These evaluations entail emotions and stereotypes about gender and sexuality, pertaining to rape myths – leading to inconsistent outcomes.
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The purpose of this study was to find out how effect does the second-stage which is the intensive course program for sexual offenders of three-stage(basic, intensive and advanced remedial) on impulsivity, anger expression, rape myth and self-esteem of sexual offenders.
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The authors show how legal decisions regarding ‘negligent rape’ are influenced by rape myths drawing on stereotypes about gender and sexuality.
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The acceptance of rape myths is related to gender equality attitudes, and is also an "explanatory predictor of the actual perpetration of sexual violence" (Hinck & Thomas, 1999).
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In this paper, I aim to shed some light on what rape myths are and what we can do about them.
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However, little is known about prevalence and predictors of rape myths in these settings or their association with survivors’ disclosure, stigmatization and psychopathology.
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This study examined how employees’ selective engagement with the #MeToo movement influenced their acceptance of rape myths and their perceptions of the movement’s impact on gender dynamics in the workplace (i.
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The present study aimed to investigate whether hostile sexism, benevolent sexism influence acceptance of rape myths.
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The findings are interpreted within the contexts of rape myths and stereotypes and unique characteristics of the police subculture.
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The acceptance of rape myths persists at varying levels across societies, which creates a hostile environment in which rape is justified and victims are blamed for being assaulted.
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A prevalent intervention paradigm has centered around re-educating young people around consent and reduce endorsement of "rape myths," based on the correlation between rape myths and sexual violence incidents.
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Finally, we conclude by discussing the scene’s implications in terms of contemporary Western understandings of consent, sexual assault, and (male) rape myths.
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to explore how gendered stereotypes and rape myths are activated and deployed across liberal and conservative news media sites.
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Analysis of the regression findings shows that gender role stereotypes significantly predict acceptance of rape myths among both men and women.
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The power of patriarchal norms and rape myths, the impact of trauma, and the systemic sexism in the medical and legal systems are also discussed.
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, perceived peer support for sexual violence and perceived peer endorsement of rape myths) display associations with three forms of aggression (physical dating violence perpetration, perpetration of bullying in-person, and cyberbullying perpetration).
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This study aimed to determine the prevalence of rape myths and sexual double standards among Pakistani university students.
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A detailed analysis of the series indeed reveals that its causative narrative reinforces the rape myth by putting the blame on girls for events that happen to them.
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Each study was coded for associations between exposure to sexual media and one of six outcomes including sexual attitudes (permissive attitudes, peer norms, and rape myths) and sexual behaviors (general sexual behavior, age of sexual initiation, and risky sexual behavior).
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Drawing on the rape myths literature, this article argues that naturalised and stereotyped understandings of the causes and implications of street harassment provide discursive resources to excuse harassers and blame victims for the harassment they suffer.
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Rape myths are false beliefs about sexual violence that encourage blaming the victim and exonerating the offender.
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Rape myths also appeared in the discourse as a backlash against the #MeToo movement.
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Gender-stratified logistic regression models generated odds ratios adjusted for demographics, substance use, history of suspension/expulsion, gender equitable attitudes, and tolerance of rape myths to identify significant associations between violent pornography exposure and self-reported physical, sexual, and threatening TDV perpetration and victimization.
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While there is a plethora of research into ‘rape myths’ as they pertain to cisgender women’s experiences of sexual violence perpetrated by cisgender men, comparatively little research examines how myths and stereotypes about sexual violence might impact LGBTQ victims/survivors.
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The study examines the similarities and differences between China and the United States with regard to rape myths.
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A survey using online questionnaire was used to collect data on rape myth, masculinity and its subcomponents from 107 men.
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Rape myths play a pivotal role in the social construction of rape.
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Students exposed to the BITB-HSC demonstrated significant short-term changes in victim empathy and bystander barriers/facilitators, and long-term changes in rape myths, media literacy, bystander readiness, and knowledge relative to youth in the control condition.
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