Introduction to Quit Intentions
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Quit Intentions sentence examples within e cigarette use
Much of the population-based e-cigarette use and cigarette cessation literature is restricted to smokers who have expressed intention to quit smoking, though experimental studies suggest e-cigarette use might motivate some smokers to change their quit intentions.
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The core findings of the research paper are that the talent management practices have a positive impact upon the working of employees as well as quit intentions.
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This review focused on systematically identifying and synthesizing evidence of longitudinal studies that evaluate different GHW formats and specifically considered GHW influence on perceived risk of tobacco use and quit intentions.
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, complex social influences, limited negative outcome expectancies, quit intentions).
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, cigarettes per day), quit intentions, and nicotine dependence (i.
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We explored knowledge of the number of carcinogens in smoke, and whether knowing that smoke contains more than 70 carcinogens mediated change in the belief that the dangers of smoking are exaggerated (risk perception), stubbing out cigarettes, quit intentions and quitting.
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Paired t-tests were used to assess mean differences in PE across topics, image types, and quit intentions.
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Highlights • In the context of anti-smoking messages, effects perceptions (perceived behavioral impact) mediated message impact on quit intentions and six quitting and related behaviors while message perceptions (persuasive potential) did not.
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However, the pandemic may affect people’s beliefs towards
smoking as well as smoking behavior and quit intentions.
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The impact of perceived transformational leadership and cross-cultural psychological capital on the frontline employee's quit intentions in the Sabahhotel industry was examined in this study.
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However, message strength did not have a moderating role on both message derogation and quit intentions for the female sample and on quit intentions for the male sample.
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This study aims to assess prevalence and correlates of quit intentions and past-year quit attempts among U.
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In a sample of 416 daily smokers, we observed beneficial changes in self-reported cigarette smoking, craving, quit intentions, evaluations of smoking, self-efficacy, and outcome expectancies, immediately after viewing the warnings a first time and after multiple exposures.
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The study revealed that the teachers identified remuneration and conditions of service factors to predominantly influence their quit intentions more than school environment factors and personal factors.
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Moderation effect of gender on the above relationship was analysed further and the results depicted that gender significantly moderated the association amid individual dimensions of embeddedness and employees' quit intentions, respectively.
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To examine perceived cancer-related benefits of quitting among newly diagnosed cancer patients who smoke and associations with quit intentions, baseline measures from patients (N = 303) enrolled in a randomized controlled trial were analyzed using hierarchical regression models and bootstrapping.
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We evaluated self-reported frequency of exposure to the Rebecca and other Tips ads in association with quit intentions and quit attempts among MH+ and MH- smokers.
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In this paper, we examine whether the relationship between high‐commitment human resource (HR) practices and two employee outcomes, quit intentions and organisational citizenship behaviours (OCBs), is contingent on organisational identification.
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Participants also completed a survey assessing socio-demographics, health cognitions (quit intentions, self-efficacy, response efficacy, perceived risk), affect (worry, anticipated regret), genetic determinism, and other genetics beliefs.
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However, most studies on quit intentions have been conducted in high-income countries with very few in low- and middle-income countries particularly in Africa.
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GEE models regressed e-cigarette use at follow-up and changes in cigarettes per day (CPD) between waves, on baseline sociodemographic variables, smoking status (daily, non-daily, quit), e-cigarette trial, and quit intentions.
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In smokers only, purchase and quit intentions were higher following exposure to the COMP alone.
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Participants completed a survey assessing knowledge, misunderstanding, perceived likelihood, perceived severity of health effects from smoking and quit intentions (smokers only).
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To investigate memory-consolidation predictions that high- versus low-emotion warnings would support better long-term memory for named cigarette health risks and to test a mediational model of warning-label effects through memory on risk perceptions and quit intentions.
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Relative to text-only HWLs, pictorial HWLs increased negative affect but not risk belief acceptance, cognitive elaboration about smoking harms, or quit intentions.
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We aimed to identify the stability of smoking status after diagnosis including quit attempts and quit intentions.
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This study examined age differences in usage motivations and behaviors, perceived health benefit, and quit intentions in a large and diverse sample recruited online.
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Specific outcome measures assessed are appeal, reasons for use, risk perceptions, susceptibility, intention to try, initiation, preference, current use, quit intentions and cessation.
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