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Quantitative Microbial sentence examples within risk assessment model

Assessing the Risk of Salmonellosis from Consumption of Conventionally and Alternatively Produced Broiler Meat Prepared In-Home in the United States

Linking Decision Theory and Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment: Tradeoffs Between Compliance and Efficacy for Waterborne Disease Interventions.

Quantitative Microbial sentence examples within health risks associated

A review on microbial contaminants in stormwater runoff and outfalls: Potential health risks and mitigation strategies

Quantitative Microbial sentence examples within Reverse Quantitative Microbial

Estimating acceptable exposure time for bioaerosols emission in a wastewater treatment plant by reverse quantitative microbial risk assessment based on various risk benchmarks

Changes in Escherichia coli to enteric protozoa ratios in rivers: Implications for risk-based assessment of drinking water treatment requirements.

Quantitative Microbial sentence examples within Published Quantitative Microbial

Integrating culture and molecular quantification of microbial contaminants into a predictive modeling framework in a low-lying, tidally-influenced coastal watershed.

Comparison of Predicted Microbiological Human Health Risks Associated with de facto, Indirect, and Direct Potable Water Reuse.

Quantitative Microbial sentence examples within Inform Quantitative Microbial

The transmission dynamics of Campylobacter jejuni among broilers in semi-commercial farms in Jordan

Impact of a hygiene intervention on virus spread in an office building.

Quantitative Microbial sentence examples within Use Quantitative Microbial

Quantifying Pathogen Infection Risks from Household Laundry Practices.

A Case Study Evaluating the Risk of Infection from Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS‐CoV) in a Hospital Setting Through Bioaerosols

Quantitative Microbial sentence examples within quantitative microbial risk

Exposure parameters and health risk of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in the recreational water activities for urban residents in China

Assessing the microbial risk of faecal sludge use in Ugandan agriculture by comparing field and theoretical model output.

Quantitative Microbial sentence examples within quantitative microbial source

Integrating culture and molecular quantification of microbial contaminants into a predictive modeling framework in a low-lying, tidally-influenced coastal watershed.

Aquatic microbial diversity associated with faecal pollution of Norwegian waterbodies characterized by 16S rRNA gene amplicon deep sequencing

Quantitative Microbial sentence examples within quantitative microbial gene

A robust metatranscriptomic technology for population-scale studies of diet, gut microbiome, and human health

A Robust Metatranscriptomic Technology for Population-Scale Studies of Diet, Gut Microbiome, and Human Health

Quantitative Microbial sentence examples within quantitative microbial test

Bacterial Quality, Prevalence of Pathogens, and Molecular Characterization of Biofilm-Producing Staphylococcus aureus from Korean Dairy Farm Environments

Microbial Contamination of Handmade Sauce Used by Street Food Vendors in Jashore, Bangladesh

Campylobacter in an Urban Estuary: Public Health Insights from Occurrence, HeLa Cytotoxicity, and Caco-2 Attachment Cum Invasion

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Quantitative Microbial