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Quantitative Human sentence examples within quantitative human health

A GIS study to rank Irish agricultural lands with background and anthropogenic concentrations of metal(loid)s in soil.

The sensitivity of transcriptomics BMD modeling to the methods used for microarray data normalization

Quantitative Human sentence examples within quantitative human brain

Compressed sensing effects on quantitative analysis of undersampled human brain sodium MRI

Quantifying amide proton exchange rate and concentration in chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging of the human brain

Quantitative Human sentence examples within quantitative human exposure

Evaluation of the Magnetic Field Leakage from Two Wireless Power Transfer Systems for EV/PHV Driven Simultaneously

Human exposure to antibiotic resistant-Escherichia coli through irrigated lettuce.

Learn more from Quantitative Human

Quantitative Human sentence examples within quantitative human milk

Challenges and Pitfalls in Human Milk Oligosaccharide Analysis

Challenges and Pitfalls in Human Milk Oligosaccharide Analysis.

Quantitative Human sentence examples within quantitative human transcriptome

Single-molecule, full-length transcript isoform sequencing reveals disease-associated RNA isoforms in cardiomyocytes

Single-molecule, full-length transcript isoform sequencing reveals disease mutation-associated RNA isoforms in cardiomyocytes

Quantitative Human sentence examples within quantitative human chorionic

Abnormal rate of human chorionic gonadotropin rise: a case series of patients with viable intrauterine pregnancies after embryo transfer

Denial of Pregnancy in a Patient With a History of Pseudocyesis

More Quantitative Human sentence examples

A Statistical Random Variable Approach to Fuzzy Cognitive Map Modeling

Quantitative Human