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Qos Prediction sentence examples within Service Qos Prediction

QoS Prediction based on temporal information and request context

A Location-Based Factorization Machine Model for Web Service QoS Prediction

Qos Prediction sentence examples within Existing Qos Prediction

Privacy-preserving quality prediction for edge-based IoT services

A Probability Distribution and Location-aware ResNet Approach for QoS Prediction

Qos Prediction sentence examples within Missing Qos Prediction

Momentum-incorporated Latent Factorization of Tensors for Extracting Temporal Patterns from QoS Data

A momentum-incorporated latent factorization of tensors model for temporal-aware QoS missing data prediction

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Qos Prediction sentence examples within Collaborative Qos Prediction

Multiple Attributes QoS Prediction via Deep Neural Model with Contexts*

Spatio-temporal context-aware collaborative QoS prediction

Qos Prediction sentence examples within qos prediction method

Privacy-preserving quality prediction for edge-based IoT services

Multiple Attributes QoS Prediction via Deep Neural Model with Contexts*

Qos Prediction sentence examples within qos prediction approach

Similarity-Maintaining Privacy Preservation and Location-Aware Low-Rank Matrix Factorization for QoS Prediction Based Web Service Recommendation

QoS Attributes Prediction with Attention-based LSTM Network for Mobile Services

Qos Prediction sentence examples within qos prediction result

Web Service QoS Prediction via Exploiting Locatoin and Trustworthy Information

A personalized clustering-based and reliable trust-aware QoS prediction approach for cloud service recommendation in cloud manufacturing

Qos Prediction sentence examples within qos prediction model

Time-aware cloud manufacturing service selection using unknown QoS prediction and uncertain user preferences

Personalized QoS Prediction for Service Recommendation With a Service-Oriented Tensor Model

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Prediction of quality of service of fog nodes for service recommendation in fog computing based on trustworthiness of users

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AI4Mobile: Use Cases and Challenges of AI-based QoS Prediction for High-Mobility Scenarios

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Multi-MNO Predictive-QoS for Vehicular Applications

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Service recommendation driven by a matrix factorization model and time series forecasting

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Joint Deep Networks based Multi-source Feature Learning for QoS Prediction

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NFMF: neural fusion matrix factorisation for QoS prediction in service selection

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A deep learning approach for collaborative prediction of Web service QoS

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SINR-Based Analysis of IEEE 802.11p/bd Broadcast VANETs for Safety Services

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Predication of Quality of Service (QoS) in Cloud Services: A Survey

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HAP: A Hybrid QoS Prediction Approach in Cloud Manufacturing combining Local Collaborative Filtering and Global Case-based Reasoning

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Autoencoders for QoS Prediction at the Edge

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A Data-Aware Latent Factor Model for Web Service QoS Prediction

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Personalized Web Service Recommendation Based on QoS Prediction and Hierarchical Tensor Decomposition

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Enhanced time-aware QoS prediction in multi-cloud: a hybrid k-medoids and lazy learning approach (QoPC)

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Spherical image QoE approximations for vision augmentation scenarios

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A QoS Value Prediction for Web Services Using Ethical User Identification

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A Performance-Aware Selection Strategy for Cloud-based Video Services with Micro-Service Architecture

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Towards Measuring Quality of Service in Untrusted Multi-Vendor Service Function Chains: Balancing Security and Resource Consumption

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Research on the Influence of Sampling Methods for the Accuracy of Web Services QoS Prediction

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Modelling geographical effect of user neighbourhood on collaborative web service QoS prediction

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Qos Prediction