Introduction to Qos Optimization
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Qos Optimization sentence examples within Novel Qos Optimization
In this context, this article contributes in three distinct ways: to develop a QoS-aware, green, sustainable, reliable, and available (QGSRA) algorithm to support multimedia transmission in V2V over future IoT-driven edge computing networks; to implement a novel QoS optimization strategy in V2V during multimedia transmission over IoT-based edge computing platforms; to propose QoS metrics such as greenness (i.
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In this paper, we conduct research on the novel QoS optimization paradigm for the IoT systems based on fuzzy logic and visual information mining integration.
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Besides, it is observed and analyzed that w-RCA produces better and effective results at small buffer and window sizes unlike BSA and Baseline by adopting large buffer size during QoS optimization.
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This paper studies the optimization mechanism and algorithm of QOS from two aspects, and obtains the method of QOS optimization of wireless access network, which promotes the development of network service quality.
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However, a most important problem of QoS optimization, which lays in Performance, Reliability and Scalability for IoT, is not yet solved.
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