Introduction to Qos Improvement
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Our results demonstrate that, while consuming similar energy, COCKTAIL provides up to 60% QoS improvement when compared to latest state-of-the-art energy optimization and reliability management techniques in the HPC context.
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To this end, we investigate the QoS improvement of the distributed edge computing system from the game-theoretic perspective and propose a multi-agent state-based learning algorithm.
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We design a novel time-efficient heuristic, to plan the service upgrade under a limited budget such that the QoS improvement on latency reduction can be maximized.
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As a starter, a scenario with multiple D2D pairs and cellular users in a cell will be modeled; followed by the analysis of issues pertaining to resource allocation and power control as well as the formulation of our optimization goal; and finally, a DRL method based on spectrum allocation strategy will be created, which can ensure D2D users to obtain the sufficient resource for their QoS improvement.
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In this paper, we propose AggreFlow, a dynamic flow scheduling scheme that achieves power efficiency and QoS improvement using three techniques: Flow-set Routing, Lazy Rerouting, and Adaptive Rerouting.
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Finally, the extended cooperative cellular Internet of UAVs is discussed for QoS improvement with some open issues, such as massive multiple- input multiple-output system.
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Considering the control plane impact, centralized or distributed, the QoS improvements brought by theses architectures are studied and criticized in order to derive the suitability of each proposal to resolve the IoV challenges and meet its requirements for the various applications.
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First, the controllers are ranked with analytical network process (ANP) according to their qualitative features which influence the performance of these controllers and then a performance comparison is performed to check for the QoS improvement.
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Optimal Energy Consumption Protocol(OECP) for QoS improvement in DTNs is proposed.
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