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Qos Aware sentence examples within New Qos Aware

Colored Ant for Flow Management in Fog Computing

Video Traffic Analysis over LEACH-GA routing protocol in a WSN

Qos Aware sentence examples within Proposed Qos Aware

QoSA-ICN: An information-centric approach to QoS in vehicular environments

QoS aware Multi-Constrained Node Disjoint Multipath Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks

Qos Aware sentence examples within Novel Qos Aware

QoS Aware Multi-Path Routing using Link Scheduling Algorithm

Quality of Service Aware Channel Hopping Rendezvous in Cognitive Radio Networks for Internet of Things

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Qos Aware sentence examples within Optimal Qos Aware

OQR-SC: An optimal QoS aware routing technique for smart cities using IoT enabled wireless sensor networks

Energy Efficient with Trust and Qos-Aware Optimal Multipath Routing Protocol Based on Elephant Herding Optimization for Iot Based Wireless Sensor Networks

Qos Aware sentence examples within qos aware routing

OQR-SC: An optimal QoS aware routing technique for smart cities using IoT enabled wireless sensor networks

Optimizing Network QoS Using Multichannel Lifetime Aware Aggregation-Based Routing Protocol

Qos Aware sentence examples within qos aware energy

Ant Colony Optimization Based Quality of Service Aware Energy Balancing Secure Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

Energy-Efficient Synchronous MAC Protocol based on QoS and Multi-priority for Wireless Sensor Networks

Qos Aware sentence examples within qos aware multus

QoS Aware Multi-Path Routing using Link Scheduling Algorithm

Energy Efficient with Trust and Qos-Aware Optimal Multipath Routing Protocol Based on Elephant Herding Optimization for Iot Based Wireless Sensor Networks

Qos Aware sentence examples within qos aware service

Evaluation of Agent-Network Environment Mapping on Open-AI Gym for Q-Routing Algorithm

Performance Evaluation of the QoS Aware Web Service Composition with Communities of Consumers

Qos Aware sentence examples within qos aware web

QoS aware web service selection using orthogonal array learning on fruit fly optimization approach

Multi-objective and discrete Elephants Herding Optimization algorithm for QoS aware web service composition

Qos Aware sentence examples within qos aware resource

HMF Based QoS aware Recommended Resource Allocation System in Mobile Edge Computing for IoT

Session-Enabled Joint Radio Resource Selection for Co-Operative Automated Driving

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Actor-Critic Learning Based QoS-Aware Scheduler for Reconfigurable Wireless Networks

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A Testbed Design of Spectrum Management in Cognitive Radio Network using NI USRP and LabVIEW

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Relay-Assisted and QoS Aware Scheduling to Overcome Blockage in mmWave Backhaul Networks

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QoS Aware Routing Protocol Through Cross-layer Approach in Asynchronous Duty-Cycled WSNs

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Hybrid Energy Efficient and QoS Aware Algorithm to Prolong IoT Network Lifetime

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A SDN-Based Pub/Sub Middleware for Geographic Content Dissemination in Internet of Vehicles

Qos Aware