Introduction to Qos Assurance
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In this work, we propose an Adaptive policy with QoS Assurance that enables data centers to participate in regulation service programs with assurance on job QoS.
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Based on this approach, we design a cloud robotic framework named Cloudroid Swarm and develop several QoS-aware mechanisms to provide a general solution to cooperation offloading with QoS assurance in multirobot cooperative scenes.
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We propose a degraded service provisioning algorithm with QoS assurance in order to decrease the lightpath blocking probability.
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Therefore, the provision of QoS assurances is needed for any MANET routing protocol.
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Hyper-dense multi-tier heterogeneous cell networks (HetNets) is one of most active and promising areas in modern wireless communication researches, to cater to the explosive demand of wireless communication and QoS assurance.
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Unlike the previous ”one size fits all” system, the softwarization, slicing and network capability exposure of 5G provide dynamic programming capabilities for QoS assurance.
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In this paper, we formulate a non-convex optimization problem to maximize the system throughput in MIMO-based WPUSNs with QoS assurance.
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In this paper, a directional antenna based opportunistic routing (DAOR) scheme is proposed for cognitive radio sensor networks (CRSNs) with QoS assurances and energy efficient design.
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The validation results demonstrate the framework capabilities of short and predictable slice-creation time, performance/QoS assurance and service scalability of up to one million connected devices.
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