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HPC Data Center Participation in Demand Response: an Adaptive Policy with QoS Assurance

Cloudroid Swarm: A QoS-Aware Framework for Multirobot Cooperation Offloading

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Degraded Provisioning of Spectrum and Holding time with QoS Assurance in Elastic Optical Networks

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A High-Performance Routing Protocol for Multimedia Applications in MANETs

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Average Associating Rate Modeling in Hyper-Dense Heterogeneous Wireless Cell Networks

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A Supervised Learning Based QoS Assurance Architecture for 5G Networks

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Joint Time and Energy Allocation for QoS-Aware Throughput Maximization in MIMO-Based Wireless Powered Underground Sensor Networks

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QoS-aware Opportunistic Routing with Directional Antennas in Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks

Empowering the Internet of Vehicles with Multi-RAT 5G Network Slicing

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Qos Assurance