Introduction to Prakarsa Tbk
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Prakarsa Tbk sentence examples within Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk
The purpose of this study is to assess the financial performance of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk in the period 2014 to 2018.
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The purpose of this study is to assess the financial performance of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk in the period 2014 to 2018.
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Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.
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Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.
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This study aims to determine the effect of debt to asset ratio and current ratio to return on assets at PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.
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For this reason, the company PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa TBK needs to conduct financial ratio analysis with the aim of measuring financial performance and as an indicator of changes in the company's financial conditions.
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Three cement industries in Indonesia that have been certified ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 are PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.
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Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.
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Data mengenai kompensasi, lingkungan kerja, kepuasan kerja karyawan diperoleh melalui pembagian kuesioner kepada responden karyawan PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Bandung.
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PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk is cement company located in Citereup, Bogor, West Java.
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