Introduction to Polyelectrolyte Layers
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Here, we cost-efficiently prepared large-area Au nanocube arrays (NCAs) using only the electrostatic forces between colloidal Au nanocubes and polyelectrolyte layers.
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Manufacturing such “iontronic” devices generally involves classical thin film processing of polyelectrolyte layers and insulators followed by application of electrolytes.
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Another approach that has been tested is based on coating the carbon with polyelectrolyte layers, converting them into “soft electrodes” (SEs).
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The number of polyelectrolyte layers, the deposition technology, the nature of the interactions between the components and the chosen components, as well as the produced systems, make LbL a versatile technique.
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Using the method of time-lapse confocal microscopy, we observed a prolonged lag phase, dependent on the number of polyelectrolyte layers.
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For the first time, it was shown that primary modification of the Au surface influences the rate of the multilayer assembling and the shape of appropriate dependence of the SPR signal on the number of polyelectrolyte layers.
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Three compositions were considered: with MWCNTs incorporated between polyelectrolyte layers; with MWCNTs inserted into the hollow of the microcapsule; and with MWCNTs incorporated simultaneously into the hollow and between polyelectrolyte layers.
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