Introduction to Politics Within
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Politics Within sentence examples within Identity Politics Within
Informed by the stories shared by participants to chart and situate their experiences of sight loss, we call for a new identity politics within and beyond the growing movement to 'connect' people to nonhuman nature for wellbeing; a politics that affirms diverse forms of more-than-human embodiment, recognising how and why such relations may weave into - and indeed out of - people's varied, interdependent life course trajectories.
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Tracing the narratives belonging to
women of historically marginalized identities reveals not only the exclusionary
aspects of mainstream entrepreneurship, but also the innovative practices these
women embody as they balance the social variables of identity politics within
and across their communities.
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Politics Within sentence examples within Cultural Politics Within
How might reference to the “contemporary” here relate to the potentials of decolonial cultural politics within such spaces?.
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These movements actively engage with local cultural politics within an ever-changing international environment, where politics is increasingly operating in the sphere of culture, under the dictates of a global cultural industry, mediated by new electronic and information technologies, and shaped by different forms of representation – visual, virtual, financial.
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Politics Within sentence examples within Gender Politics Within
We explore the deployment of an affirmative and non-affirmative gender politics within the context and goals of the RRE program.
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Politics Within sentence examples within Everyday Politics Within
This article also points to the changing individual and collective perspectives, vulnerabilities and everyday politics within community food initiatives.
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The article analyses the everyday politics within and around these cooperatives through a broader institutional and political‐economy lens.
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Politics Within sentence examples within Contentiou Politics Within
It defines the latter as a form of contentious politics within deliberative democracies in which concurrence rather than estrangement is more likely to define the relationship
between citizens and the state.
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This moment of violent repression by the Catalan authorities proved the precursor, the condition of possibility, for the subsequent re-channelling of contentious politics within the more comfortable confines of hierarchically-structured, nationalist imaginaries.
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Politics Within sentence examples within Organizational Politics Within
Background: Organizational politics within organizations, like the power around the manager, is broad and widespread, and managers consider political behavior as a part of organizational life that is inevitable, and on the other hand, the impact of ethics on social and especially political behaviors is undeniable.
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In order to increase public satisfaction on the basic needs, such as education and health services, regional government should improve delivery, timeliness of service, availability of information, staff professionalism, staff attitude, external and internal roles of manager and at the same time minimize organizational politics within the local government.
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We direct a special focus at the institutional micropolitics within which these conflicts arise and which the conflicts also contribute to form.
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This article tries to identify the links between media and politics within the context of far-right politics.
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Increased partisan apathy, affective polarization, and purposeful selection of homogenous political discussion groups are of growing concern as politics within the United States becomes more contentious.
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This article argues that unpacking gendered biopolitics within the household is crucial to understanding the reproduction of son preference and daughter aversion since it is here that reproduction and parenthood are subjected to biopolitical governance.
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Results of the qualitative analysis phase showed that residents who did not attend CHAP sessions (or other activities in the building) generally preferred to avoid conflicts, vindictiveness, and gossip and did not want to get involved in clans and politics within their building.
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It also focuses on how the temptation of generalization in meta-narrative analyses tends to obscure the obvious dynamics of life- cohesion versus conflict, exploitation versus subversion of power-politics within the squatters’ colonies, which micro-level social researches may bring forward and thereby signify the scope for re-writing history.
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The objects bear the weight of politics within the community as trophies and representations of various difference.
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Drawing on critical Indigenous studies, the paper formulates a critique of how relational perspectives enfold alternative ontologies and politics within an overarching Anthropocene ontology that is not only problematically universalizing, but also replaces the genuine engagement with differences and resistance.
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ABSTRACT The massive wave of migration that has affected Europe since 2015 has placed European and national institutions under considerable strain, with significant implications for both EU integration and for politics within the member states.
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The Political Life of Documents: Notes on bureaucrats, politics and paper ABSTRACT Introduction: The article addresses a theme still scarcely debated within studies on bureaucracy and public policy: documents as material artifacts and their effects on bureaucrats, public policies, and politics within the State.
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The paper proposes anti-citizen politics as an alternative before arguing that the presence of this politics within the city’s squats and jungles, more than the physical occupations as such, is what the French state seeks to eradicate through acts of domicide.
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The role of resource in power and politics within the organization was also reviewed.
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More generally, I argue that rereading Habermas’s critical theory through Arendt’s political thought helps to clarify the importance of politics within his work, thus countering accusations that he is an abstract thinker of “high liberalism” who is uninterested in “real politics.
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The paper starts by reviewing the comparative properties of markets and politics within a theory of budgeting where the options are construction and maintenance.
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The paper starts by reviewing the comparative properties of markets and politics within a theory of budgeting where the options are construction and maintenance.
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