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Politics Within sentence examples within Identity Politics Within

A(nother) time for nature? Situating non-human nature experiences within the emotional transitions of sight loss.

The Rhetoric of Everyday-Entrepreneurship: Reframing Entrepreneurial Identity & Citizenship

Politics Within sentence examples within Cultural Politics Within

Concerning “the Eurocentric African Problem” (Meschac Gaba)

Editorial statement

Politics Within sentence examples within Gender Politics Within

Teaching for gender justice: free to be me?

‘One is not born, but rather becomes, a Korean woman’: Gender politics of female bodies in Korean weight-loss reality TV shows

Politics Within sentence examples within Everyday Politics Within

Exploring the Role of Community Self-Organisation in the Creation and Creative Dissolution of a Community Food Initiative

Cooperative Islands in Capitalist Waters: Limited‐equity Housing Cooperatives, Urban Renewal and Gentrification

Politics Within sentence examples within Contentiou Politics Within

Agonistic Conflict as a Distinct Type of Contentious Politics: Learning from Protests For and Against Asylum Seekers in Israel

Represión y resistencia en Cataluña

Politics Within sentence examples within Organizational Politics Within

Designing & Validating a Model of Organizational Policy Perception Indicators Based on Political Ethics

The effect of service quality toward public satisfaction and public trust on local government in Indonesia

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The micropolitics of conflicts in total institutions – The case of special approved homes for youths in Sweden

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Normalizing far right party rhetoric: the impact of media populist frames and coverage on the electoral prospects of far-right parties in the case of Cyprus

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Examining Political Communication Apprehension

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The Gendered Biopolitics of Sex Selection in India

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Participation in the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) by older adults residing in social housing in Quebec: Social network analysis

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Birth of a Squatters’ Colony: Revisiting history through refugee narratives

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Sonja Luehrmann, Praying with the Senses: Contemporary Orthodox Christian Spirituality in Practice

The Politics of the Anthropocene: Temporality, Ecology, and Indigeneity

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Political elites and immigration in Italy: party competition, polarization and new cleavages

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A vida política dos documentos: notas sobre burocratas, políticas e papéis

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Bordering through domicide: spatializing citizenship in Calais

Extensive Examination of Type- 4 Theory: Resource Dependent Approach

A Case of Communicative Learning?: Rereading Habermas’s Philosophical Project through an Arendtian Lens

Public-private Partnership as Remedy for Crumbling Infrastructure: Is this Hope Looking for Reason?

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Public-private partnership as remedy for crumbling infrastructure: Is this hope looking for reason?

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Politics Within