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Others Within sentence examples within Affect Others Within
This visual analysis of front-page news images across nine western countries, (84 images in June–November 2015) demonstrates that their photojournalism of migration enables two types of political encounters with arriving migrants: ‘action on migrants’, where migrants are mainly acted upon within the procedural encounters of border institutions, and ‘action by migrants’, where migrants act upon and affect others within existential encounters that can potentially touch upon people’s emotional and activist sensibilities.
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Our visual analysis of news images across nine western countries, 84 images in total, in June-November 2015 demonstrates that their ‘front-page’ news imagery enables two types of political encounters with arriving migrants: ‘action on migrants’, where migrants are mainly acted upon within the procedural encounters of border institutions, and ‘action by migrants’, where migrants act upon and affect others within existential encounters that can potentially touch upon people’s emotional and activist sensibilities.
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Others Within sentence examples within Among Others Within
The implementation of the programme encouraged student teachers to inter-communicate and share ideas among others within the classroom.
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The capacity to absorb and retain surface waters in the floodplain in case of floods and thus prevent or reduce threats to settlement areas through flooding is an important aspect among others within the ecosystem service “Regulation service of floodplains”.
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Others Within sentence examples within Lead Others Within
It is stated that “an effective academic leader must be able to lead oneself effectively before he or she can lead others within and outside the classroom”.
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An effective teacher leader must be able to lead oneself effectively before he or she can lead others within and outside the classroom.
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Others Within sentence examples within others within 6
Methods: The current study aimed at studying the association of negative child birth experience with PTSD and depressive symptoms among primiparous mothers within 6 weeks of child birth.
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Methods Pregnant individuals (67%, n = 133) and new mothers within 6 months postpartum (33%, n = 66) participated in a cross-sectional online survey assessing IU, current and retrospective pre-pandemic mindfulness (FFMQ), and psychological symptoms (anxiety, depression, somatization; BSI).
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Others Within sentence examples within others within two
Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between physical activity level and musculoskeletal pain in physician mothers within two years after childbirth.
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Complete multivariate normal data from 288 first-time Jewish Israeli mothers within two years after childbirth was entered into the analysis.
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Others Within sentence examples within others within 1
Others Within sentence examples within others within one
The aim of this paper is to introduce an end-to-end development process for non-biomedical innovation and new business models of a Life Science company that integrates different methods such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Agility and others within one framework.
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Data from two household surveys collected before and after one year intervention among mothers within one year PP are used to estimate the household cost of maternal PPC visits.
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Others Within sentence examples within others within existential
This visual analysis of front-page news images across nine western countries, (84 images in June–November 2015) demonstrates that their photojournalism of migration enables two types of political encounters with arriving migrants: ‘action on migrants’, where migrants are mainly acted upon within the procedural encounters of border institutions, and ‘action by migrants’, where migrants act upon and affect others within existential encounters that can potentially touch upon people’s emotional and activist sensibilities.
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Our visual analysis of news images across nine western countries, 84 images in total, in June-November 2015 demonstrates that their ‘front-page’ news imagery enables two types of political encounters with arriving migrants: ‘action on migrants’, where migrants are mainly acted upon within the procedural encounters of border institutions, and ‘action by migrants’, where migrants act upon and affect others within existential encounters that can potentially touch upon people’s emotional and activist sensibilities.
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Others Within sentence examples within others within 12
Others Within sentence examples within others within 48
The three outcome variables included were 1) at least four antenatal care (4ANC) visits, 2) institutional delivery, and 3) postnatal care (PNC) consult for newborns and mothers within 48 h of childbirth.
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Three outcome variables were EC of i) at least 4ANC visits, ii) institutional delivery, and iii) first PNC visit for newborns and mothers within 48 hours of childbirth.
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First, we test whether income comparisons matter for subjective wellbeing both when own incomes are compared with others within the country (intra-national) and with incomes across countries (inter-national).
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The Question arises in our mind that what exactly social networking sites are? SNSs are defined by Body and Ellison (2008:11) as “web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system” Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram etc.
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The aim is to control each quadrotor to track its desired trajectory while its motion is synchronized with the others within the formation to keep a desired time-varying formation.
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The incidence of obstetric heart disease is rising and maternal complications have been attributed to fractionated care of mothers within this category.
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Methods: The study was conducted on 100 working and 100 non-working mothers within the age range of 36-45 years residing in Kolkata.
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In pre 1970s gender blind sociology only did highlight women as wives and mothers within their families but at that time this kind of differences or inequalities between men and women were not seen or recognized as sociological awareness and problems to be noted.
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Among the main factors related to turnover are the receipt of proposals of work in other organizations for the audit experience, as well as others within the own organization that act.
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Of the five genes we identified within the Physcomitrella genome that encode GWD-like enzymes, two group within the GWD1/GWD2 clade and the others within the GWD3 clade.
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The subsequent migration of semi-skilled labour from that province to others within the country require appropriate and timeous planning by energy policymakers and urban planners.
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As such, they represent a powerful way in which practitioners constitute themselves and others within a scholarly field.
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The samples of the present study were obtained from two calves of different mothers within the same dairy farm of 2000 cattle, located near Tehran, Iran.
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1%) mothers within the age of 31-40 years, while prevalence based on education showed that mothers who had tertiary education has the least infection 21(18.
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CHB patients who more actively communicate with a larger number of others within an online community perceived greater CMSS from the community.
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Postpartum depression (PPD) is one of the most common and severe postpartum morbidity, affecting 10%–20% of mothers within the first year of childbirth.
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We analyze 57 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with farmers who implement CA to understand why they tend to do so at limited intensities and what is required to intensify their CA activities, both for them and others within their communities.
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Outcomes of the procedure were assessed by a telephone survey to mothers within the 4-week period post-procedure.
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Few mothers within the first year of delivery had strong reservations about home visits, and many wanted multiple visits within two months of delivery.
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By selecting the Discovery Green Park as a typical form of physical environment in Houston, Texas, this study sought to investigate how people’s levels of community attachment could be predicted by: (1) peoples’ interactions with an urban park; (2) people’s emotional connections with such a park; and (3) peoples’ social interactions with others within the park.
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This work addresses the gap in research for adolescents in health care in rural Zambia and brings attention to the unique health-care needs of adolescent mothers within the rural health-care setting.
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However, significant differences in their pharmacological and clinical properties exist that may favor use of particular agents over others within the class, and, in fact, two of these drugs, candesartan and valsartan, continuously appear to distinguish themselves from the rest of the ‘pack’ in recent clinical trials.
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Postpartum depression affects up to 20 % of new mothers within the first 12 months of parturition.
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So learning from others within the context of tradition-orientated takes on decisive importance because the young, immature, and inexperienced need to be taught what the good is, and why individuals or tradition-orientated communities rank-order goods in order to achieve their end qua human being.
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However realistically, a worker’s ability should be evaluated as a relative value to those of others within a group.
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The framework helps to examine why the treatment gap in common mental disorders is wider in one setting than another and why some agents access healthcare more easily than others within the same setting, which may even drive to both over- and under-treatment resulting in inequities of access and poor use of resources.
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Depositors make decisions based on (i) their types, (ii) their private information on total withdrawal, and (iii) the observed actions of others within a network.
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The paper extracts, from the program’s activities and results, lessons and best practices that can be applied by others within the small spacecraft domain.
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Our ecological alternative suggests that individuals and groups on all levels of an applied linguistics ecology should problematize normative assumptions (implicit theories held by the majority), develop enhanced understanding of what is happening, and use this understanding to become more purposeful—all the while remaining open to, and supportive of, others within the ecology developing their own unique intentionality.
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Four types of viral-host junction in 14 HBV integration breakpoints were detected (two viral junctions mapped in the HBs gene, one in the Precore gene, and others within the HBx gene): Forward simple junction, reverse simple junction, forward and reverse complicated junction, and microhomology were found in many of the junctions.
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Job titles were important to the participants but challenges and frustrations arose, sometimes from the job titles themselves, but largely from a lack of understanding of the professional services job structure and how job titles, roles and responsibilities were understood by others within and outside the organisation.
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The study findings suggested that there are many similarities between the perspectives of mothers within the three settings.
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Social transparency through an enterprise information system refers to the use of digital media by individuals and groups to communicate their own information voluntarily to others within their work environment.
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