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Peltier effects in lithium-ion battery modeling.

Unified Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics and the Stability of Relativistic Theories for Dissipation

More Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics sentence examples

Performance evaluation of a hybrid alkali metal thermal electric converter-two stage thermoelectric generator system

A case study of non-Fourier heat conduction using internal variables and GENERIC

Performance optimization of thermionic refrigerators based on van der Waals heterostructures

Hawking radiation, local temperatures, and nonequilibrium thermodynamics of the black holes with non-Killing horizon

Mesoscience in supported nano-metal catalysts based on molecular thermodynamic modeling: A mini review and perspective

Thermodynamic constraints on the diversity of microbial ecosystems

A thermo-mechanical model for pile-soil interface behavior

Systematic derivation of hydrodynamic equations for viscoelastic phase separation

A review on steel slag valorisation via mineral carbonation

Statistical mechanics of systems with negative temperature

Covariant formulation of non-equilibrium thermodynamics in General Relativity

Thermo-osmosis in hydrophilic nanochannels: mechanism and size effect.

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of quantum bipartite system

When theories and experiments meet: Rarefied gases as a benchmark of non-equilibrium thermodynamic models

Analysis of the nonlinear Maxwell-Cattaneo-Vernotte equation

Theory of Faradaically Modulated Redox Active Electrodes for Electrochemically Mediated Selective Adsorption Processes

The Dissipative Photochemical Origin of Life: UVC Abiogenesis of Adenine

Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics View on Kinetics of Autocatalytic Reactions—Two Illustrative Examples

Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and phase transition of Ehrenfest urns with interactions

Internal Structure and Heat Conduction in Rigid Solids: A Two-Temperature Approach

Thermodynamics of scale-dependent Friedmann equations

New perspectives for modelling ballistic-diffusive heat conduction

A new approach to thermal segregation in petroleum reservoirs: Algorithm and case studies

Orthopyroxene – Cordierite ± Sapphirine Symplectite Replacing Garnet: Diagnostic Evidence for Isothermal Decompression (ITD) in the Usilampatti, South India

Configurational diffusion transport of water and oil in dual continuum shales

Stochastic Thermodynamics of Nonlinear Electronic Circuits: A Realistic Framework for Computing Around kT

Thermodynamic formulations of the growth of solid bodies subjected to electromechanical interactions and application to bone external and internal remodeling

On the consistent modeling of shear-thickening polymer solutions

Internal Degrees of Freedom as a Basis for Isotopic Effects in Thermodiffusion.

A novel method to determine the transport coefficients of an YSZ electrolyte based on impedance spectroscopy

Entropic analysis of bistability and the general evolution criterion.

Transport coefficients and pressure conditions for growth of ice lens in frozen soil

More Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics sentence examples

Automated free-energy calculation from atomistic simulations

The Dissipative Photochemical Origin of Life: UVC Abiogenesis of Adenine

Direct numerical simulation of supercritical oxy-methane mixing layers with CO2 substituted counterparts

Thermodynamic constraints on the assembly and diversity of microbial ecosystems are different near to and far from equilibrium

A non-equilibrium thermodynamic approach to symmetry breaking in cancer

Controlling biomolecular condensates via chemical reactions

First Law of Quantum Thermodynamics in a Driven Open Two-Level System

Review of Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics

A model for multicomponent diffusion in oxide melts

Variational formulation of stationary two-phase flow distribution

Model reproduction of non-equilibrium thermodynamics principles as a means to provide software self-development

Porochemothermoelastic solutions considering fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes to analyze the stability of inclined boreholes in chemically active porous media

Combined heat and mass transfer and thermodynamic irreversibilities in the stagnation-point flow of Casson rheological fluid over a cylinder with catalytic reactions and inside a porous medium under local thermal nonequilibrium

Non-equilibrium thermodynamic analysis of coupled heat and moisture transfer across a membrane

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach to mass transport in sorptive dual continuum porous media: A theoretical foundation and numerical simulation

Elucidating the rheological implications of adding particles in blood

On Extended Thermodynamics: From Classical to the Relativistic Regime

A new model with internal variables for theoretical thermodynamic characterization of hemoglobin: Entropy determination and comparative study

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Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics