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Motivational Climate sentence examples within achievement goal theory

Riding two Horses at Once: The Combined Roles of Mastery and Performance Climates in Implementing Creative Ideas

Estilo de interacción del entrenador, clima motivacional percibido y satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas en futbolistas jóvenes

Motivational Climate sentence examples within leisure time physical

The role of autonomy supportive activities on students’ motivation and beliefs toward out-of-school activities

Motivational Climate in Physical Education, Achievement Motivation, and Physical Activity: A Latent Interaction Model

Motivational Climate sentence examples within self determination theory

Aportaciones de la teoría de la autodeterminación a la predicción de la satisfacción escolar en estudiantes universitarios

Motivational Climate Profiles, Pubertal Status, and Well-Being Among Female Adolescent Aesthetic Sport Athletes.

Motivational Climate sentence examples within Perceived Motivational Climate

Perceived Motivational Climate and Stages of Exercise Behavior Change: Mediating Roles of Motivation Within and Beyond Physical Education Class

The Relationship Between the Perceived Motivational Climate in Elite Collegiate Sport and Athlete Psychological Coping Skills

Motivational Climate sentence examples within Peer Motivational Climate

A united front: Coach and teammate motivational climate and team cohesion among female adolescent athletes

Bracketed morality in adolescent football players: A tale of two contexts

Motivational Climate sentence examples within Created Motivational Climate

The relationship between coach-created motivational climate and athletes’ challenge and threat perceptions

Social Environmental Antecedents of Athletes’ Emotions

Motivational Climate sentence examples within Mastery Motivational Climate

Changes in Fundamental Motor-Skill Performance Following a Nine-Month Mastery Motivational Climate Intervention

Knowledge Hiding Behaviors and Team Creativity: The Contingent Role of Perceived Mastery Motivational Climate

Motivational Climate sentence examples within Disempowering Motivational Climate

Perceptions of Motivational Climate and Association with Musculoskeletal Injuries in Ballet Dancers.

Adaptação transcultural do Empowering Disempowering MotivationalClimate Questionnaire para a língua portuguesa e análise da invariânciaem atletas masculinos brasileiros e portugueses

Motivational Climate sentence examples within School Motivational Climate

Measuring teacher perceptions of their task-initiated achievement goals

Under Pressure to Perform

Motivational Climate sentence examples within Classroom Motivational Climate

Aportaciones de la teoría de la autodeterminación a la predicción de la satisfacción escolar en estudiantes universitarios

Classroom Emotional Climate: Nature, Measurement, Effects and Implications for Education

Motivational Climate sentence examples within motivational climate created

Effects of a Motivational Climate on Psychological Needs Satisfaction, Motivation and Commitment in Teen Handball Players

Perceived motivational climate and unit cohesion: The case of French soldiers in training

Motivational Climate sentence examples within motivational climate questionnaire

Clima motivacional en deportistas en función de la modalidad deportiva

Adaptação transcultural do Empowering Disempowering MotivationalClimate Questionnaire para a língua portuguesa e análise da invariânciaem atletas masculinos brasileiros e portugueses

Motivational Climate sentence examples within motivational climate toward

Motivational Climate in Sport Is Associated with Life Stress Levels, Academic Performance and Physical Activity Engagement of Adolescents

Association of Motivational Climate With Addictive Behaviors Depending on Type of Sport in University Students: Structural Equation Analysis

Motivational Climate sentence examples within motivational climate influence

Social Environmental Antecedents of Athletes’ Emotions

Influence of achievement goals and motivational climate on attitudes toward doping among East African university athletes

Students’ Class Perceptions and Ratings of Instruction: Variability Across Undergraduate Mathematics Courses

More Motivational Climate sentence examples

Connect through PLAY: a randomized-controlled trial in afterschool programs to increase adolescents’ physical activity

Clima motivacional hacia el deporte según sexo, titulación y nivel de actividad física en estudiantes universitarios de educación

More Motivational Climate sentence examples

Preventing violence in youth sport and physical education: the NOVIS proposal

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Diferencias demográficas de climas motivacionales, necesidades psicológicas básicas y cohesión en jóvenes (Demographic differences in motivational climates, basic psychological needs and cohesion in young people)

A avaliação do clima motivacional na Educação Física Escolar

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Emotionally and motivationally supportive classrooms: A state-trait analysis of lesson- and classroom-specific variation in teacher- and student-reported teacher enthusiasm and student engagement

The Role of Educational Communication in Promoting a Student-Centered Learning Style in Multicultural Classrooms: A Reflective Essay on Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

More Motivational Climate sentence examples

Positive Motivational Climates, Physical Activity and Sport Participation Through Self-Determination Theory: Striving for Quality Physical Education

Factors that Contribute to the Reduction of Participation in Sports Activities Among University Students

More Motivational Climate sentence examples

An analysis of mechanisms underlying social goals in physical education: a comparison between ordinary and special classes

An Examination of Sport Motivation, Motivational Climate, and Athlete Burnout within the Developmental Model of Sport Participation

Motivational Climate Measures in Sport: A Systematic Review

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Examining the social cognitive determinants of collegiate recreational sport involvement and outcomes

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Orientaciones de meta y necesidades psicológicas básicas en el desarrollo de la Expresión Corporal en educación primaria: un estudio piloto (Goal orientations and basic psychological needs in the development of Corporal Expression in primary education: a

More Motivational Climate sentence examples

Orientation and motivational climate in elite handball players: Multivariate modeling of performance

Collegiate Sport Club Athletes’ Psychological Well-Being and Perceptions of Their Team Climate

Psychological Profile and Competitive Performance in Group Aesthetic Gymnastics

More Motivational Climate sentence examples

Associations between previous sport and exercise experience and physical literacy elements among physically inactive Danes

An Examination of the Relationship Between Coaches’ Transformational Leadership and Athletes’ Personal and Group Characteristics in Elite Youth Soccer

Multilevel analysis of evolution of team process and their relation to performance in semi-professional soccer

Motivational Context and Perfectionism Traits in Pediatric Sports

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Goal orientation, motivational climate, and exercise as predictors of eating disorder risk factors among college students.

Motivation, Anxiety, and Emotional Intelligence Are Associated with the Practice of Contact and Non-Contact Sports: An Explanatory Model

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Does Gender Significantly Predict Academic, Athletic Career Motivation among NCAA Division I College Athletes

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Can university senior managers take lessons from sports coaching?

More Motivational Climate sentence examples

Collaboration in project teams : The role of mastery and performance climates

Association between Level of Empathy, Attitude towards Physical Education and Victimization in Adolescents: A Multi-Group Structural Equation Analysis

More Motivational Climate sentence examples

A Season-Long Goal-Setting Intervention for Elite Youth Basketball Teams

Teacher Autonomy Support in Physical Education Classes as a Predictor of Motivation and Concentration in Mexican Students

Relationships between Anxiety, Emotional Intelligence, and Motivational Climate among Adolescent Football Players

More Motivational Climate sentence examples

Asociación entre clima motivacional, ajuste escolar y funcionalidad familiar en adolescentes

Physical Activity in Natural Environments Is Associated With Motivational Climate and the Prevention of Harmful Habits: Structural Equation Analysis

Leadership and Motivational Climate: The Relationship with Objectives, Commitment, and Satisfaction in Base Soccer Players

Examinando los efectos motivacionales de una temporada de orientación deportiva en estudiantes de educación secundaria. (Examining the motivational effects of an orienteering season on secondary school students)

Choosing to study music in high school: Teacher support, psychological needs satisfaction, and elective music intentions

Relation between motivation and enjoyment in physical education classes in children from 10 to 12 years old


Relación entre clima empowering y diversión en pitchers de béisbol: el papel moderador de la motivación autónoma

Does abusive supervision always promote employees to hide knowledge? From both reactance and COR perspectives

Levels of Physical Activity Are Associated With the Motivational Climate and Resilience in University Students of Physical Education From Andalucía: An Explanatory Model

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Can losing teams cope with destructive voice behaviour? The role of game results and athletes’ perceived motivational climate

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Motivational Climate and Physical Activity: A Multigroup Analysis in Romanian and Spanish University Students

Analysis of Motivational Climate, Emotional Intelligence, and Healthy Habits in Physical Education Teachers of the Future Using Structural Equations

Analysis of the Prediction of Motivational Climate in Handball Players’ Fear of Failure

Motivational Climate towards the Practice of Physical Activity, Self-Concept, and Healthy Factors in the School Environment

Coach-Created Motivational Climate and Athletes’ Adaptation to Psychological Stress: Temporal Motivation-Emotion Interplay

Association between Motivational Climate, Adherence to Mediterranean Diet, and Levels of Physical Activity in Physical Education Students

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Relationships between Dispositional Flow, Motivational Climate, and Self-Talk in Physical Education Classes.

More Motivational Climate sentence examples

The protective impact of learning to juggle in a caring, task-involving climate versus an ego-involving climate on participants’ inflammation, cortisol, and psychological responses

Differences in Psychoneuroendocrine Stress Responses of High-Level Swimmers Depending on Autocratic and Democratic Coaching Style

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Variables predictoras de la motivación deportiva en estudiantes de secundaria federados y no federados (Variables predicting sports motivation in federated and non-federated high school students)

Motivational Climate