Introduction to Monsoon Climates
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Monsoon Climates sentence examples within Tropical Monsoon Climates
Monsoon Climates sentence examples within Subtropical Monsoon Climates
Thus, the modified model (SWAT-m) is more adaptable for the simulation of extensive non-urban watersheds in subtropical monsoon climates.
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These findings provide new knowledge of and important insights into the hydrological performance of green roofs in subtropical monsoon climates, which could be used to guide EGR construction to increase landscape permeability, mitigate the risk of pluvial flooding, and enhance the climatic resilience of urban regions.
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Although the record of precipitation seasonality is muted, it is about half as strong as that seen today in monsoon climates of South China, indicating a very weak monsoonal signal.
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Although the SE US receives relatively constant precipitation year-round, previous work demonstrated a “hidden” summertime maximum in isolated precipitation features (IPF) whose annual cycle resembles that of monsoon climates in the subtropics.
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Climate factors, including precipitation and related vegetation cover, which are vital features of monsoon climates, differ across global/regional areas and are highly variable on a catchment scale.
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