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Monitoring Systems sentence examples within wireless sensor network

Reducing Falsely-detected Feature Points of SLAM by Estimating Obstacle-free Area for RCMSs

Recurrent Neural Network-Based Optimal Sensing Duty Cycle Control Method for Wireless Sensor Networks

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within becoming increasingly important

Implementation of a ZigBee Based Network for WBAN

Missing Data Imputation on IoT Sensor Networks: Implications for on-Site Sensor Calibration

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within electronic hand hygiene

Validation and implementation of group electronic hand hygiene monitoring across twenty-four critical care units

A standardised approach to validate both the accuracy and precision of electronic hand hygiene monitoring systems is needed

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within high spatial resolution

A LabVIEW-based fire monitoring software using multi-criteria AHP approach for detecting geolocation of wildfire

Development of urban air monitoring with high spatial resolution using mobile vehicle sensors

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Health Monitoring Systems

Plant Disease Identification Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms and SVM

Electromagnetic Energy Harvester for Transportation Infrastructure Using Vehicle-Tread Force

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Condition Monitoring Systems

Automated Domain Adaptation in Tool Condition Monitoring using Generative Adversarial Networks

Influence of extended potential-to-functional failure intervals through condition monitoring systems on offshore wind turbine availability

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Glucose Monitoring Systems

Evaluation of a continuous glucose monitoring system in neonatal foals

Applying cyber physical system architecture concept to the design and manufacturing of blood glucose monitoring systems to provide man-machine interactions and intelligent automation

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Healthcare Monitoring Systems

Real-Time Mask Identification for COVID-19: An Edge-Computing-Based Deep Learning Framework

Biosensor Interface Controller for Chronic Kidney Disease Monitoring Using Internet of Things (IoT)

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Quality Monitoring Systems

An Emerged Challenge of Air Pollution and Ever-Increasing Particulate Matter in Pakistan; A Critical Review.

A portable air quality monitoring unit and a modular, flexible tool for on-field evaluation and calibration of low-cost gas sensors

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Environmental Monitoring Systems

Participatory Air Quality and Urban Heat Islands Monitoring System

A Wide Dynamic Range Multi-Sensor ROIC for Portable Environmental Monitoring Systems With Two-Step Self-Optimization Schemes

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Remote Monitoring Systems

Real-Time Monitoring of Frost/Defrost Processes Using a Tapered Optical Fiber

Planning for Productive Uses: Remote Monitoring & Evaluation for Off-Grid Power Projects in Rwanda

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Driver Monitoring Systems

Driver State Monitoring: Manipulating Reliability Expectations in Simulated Automated Driving Scenarios

Driver Activity Recognition Using Deep Learning and Human Pose Estimation

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Time Monitoring Systems


Determining soil CO2 threshold levels by means of common forecasting methods as part of near-surface monitoring for carbon sequestration projects

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Safety Monitoring Systems

Comparison of MICs in Escherichia coli isolates from human health surveillance with MICs obtained for the same isolates by broth microdilution

Strengthening international surveillance of vaccine safety

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Traffic Monitoring Systems

Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection in LAN from Raw Network Traffic Measurement

Classification Accuracy Improvement of Traffic Monitoring MW Radar by Velocity Compensation

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Video Monitoring Systems

BSVMS: Novel Autonomous Trustworthy Scheme for Video Monitoring

Remote Sensing-Based Automatic Detection of Shoreline Position: A Case Study in Apulia Region

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Continuou Monitoring Systems

Microclimatic and Ventilation Conditions in Existing Healthcare Facilities. A Study in the Waiting Room-Testing Centre of a Florentine Historic Hospital

Application of high technologies in modern diabetology

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Patient Monitoring Systems

Communication and Security Trade-Offs for Battery-Powered Devices: A Case Study on Wearable Medical Sensor Systems

Ubiquitous Internet of Medical Things on Interoperable Ssn Ontology Platforms for E-Health Monitoring of Connected Objects

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Area Monitoring Systems

Power System Transient Stability Assessment Using Stacked Autoencoder and Voting Ensemble

Extended Geometric Feature Extraction Process for Detecting Multiple Frequency Oscillations in KEPCO System

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Variou Monitoring Systems

Deep learning-based elderly gender classification using Doppler radar

Observability: Logs, Metrics, and Traces

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Automated Monitoring Systems

A Systematic Review of the Use of Technology to Monitor Welfare in Zoo Animals: Is There Space for Improvement?

On implementation of the principle of unavoidability of liability with regards to the drivers of vehicles registered in foreign countries that violate traffic rules of the Russian Federation, recorded by automated monitoring systems

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Intelligent Monitoring Systems

The study on consumption of household appliances with SCADA platform

Engineering in heritage conservation

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Energy Monitoring Systems

Segmentation of heat energy consumers based on data on daily power consumption

Impact of Energy Monitoring and Management Systems on the Implementation and Planning of Energy Performance Improved Actions: An Empirical Analysis Based on Energy Audits in Italy

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Pressure Monitoring Systems

Miniaturized Stacked Die QFN for Tire Pressure Monitoring System Applications

In-Tire Distributed Optical Fiber (DOF) Sensor for the Load Assessment of Light Vehicles in Static Conditions

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Temperature Monitoring Systems

IoT-Enabled Non-Contact-Based Infrared Thermometer for Temperature Recording of a Person

Insight into the use of tympanic temperature during target temperature management in emergency and critical care: a scoping review

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Smart Monitoring Systems

Fuse protection for Electrical Energy Storage with Several Strings in Parallel

Cluster-Based Vibration Analysis of Structures With GSP

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Line Monitoring Systems

Application of Artificial Thunderstorm Cell for Investigation of Effect of Incomplete Upward Discharges on Functioning of Concentrated Model Elements of Overhead Transmission Line Monitoring Systems


Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Existing Monitoring Systems


An efficient cephalosporin stewardship programme in French swine production

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Forest Monitoring Systems

Assessing Accuracy of Land Cover Change Maps Derived from Automated Digital Processing and Visual Interpretation in Tropical Forests in Indonesia

Direct Measurement of Forest Degradation Rates in Malawi: Toward a National Forest Monitoring System to Support REDD+

Monitoring Systems sentence examples within Online Monitoring Systems

A Consolidated Approach towards Application of Machine Learning Principles in Additive Manufacturing

Remote Microgrids for Energy Access in Indonesia—Part II: PV Microgrids and a Technology Outlook