Introduction to Modern Myth
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Gerger, Kley, Bohner and Siebler (2007) developed the "Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression Scale" to measure the ARM in a more subtle way, in particular by reducing social desirability bias.
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Into this void comes Jodi Magness’s Masada: From Jewish Revolt to Modern Myth.
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The redemptive function of science is a central facet of contemporary late-modern mythology, which due to the preeminent discursive hegemony of scientism generally goes more or less unexamined.
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Moreover, memory may be embodied and preserved in objects and things, and the modern myth is shaped primarily by the mass culture, absorbing the most orthodox stereotypes.
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This study argues that literature that depicts accidents creates a modern myth (1880s–1930s) which maintains an exciting connection with the mass media and discourses like thermodynamics and physiology.
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Myriads of attempts have been made to the ‘Hero Myth Cycle’ proposed by Campbell, to assert the novel conception, concerning the well renowned fictional character, Harry Potter as a ‘Modern Mythical Hero’.
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Each of the three pocketbooks came with an invitation to dive into their universe not only through their pages but through a podcast built around each book’s themes: from relationships to modern myths to resistance.
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The conclusion is that it should be considered as a specimen of modern myth-making activity brought to the fore by an unconscious tendency to model the whole history of mathematics on the pattern of the foundational crisis of the first decades of the 20th century.
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These confirm the fact that the hydrological cycle was well
understood in Ancient Greece, yet it poses the question why correct explanations were not accepted and, instead, why ancient and modern mythical
views were preferred up to the 18th century.
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By using these themes, The Mandalorian presents itself as a modern myth.
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The questionnaire comprised the Conformity to Masculine Roles Norms Inventory, the Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale, the Acceptance of Modern Myths About Sexual Aggression Scale, and a modified Cyber Aggression in Relationships Scale.
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Se aplicó, de manera presencial y virtual, el instrumento Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression (AMMSA) en su adaptación al español.
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The Acceptance of Modern Myths About Sexual Aggression Scale (AMMSA) is an RMA measure which was developed to contain more subtle language and less severe forms of sexual aggression than traditional RMA scales.
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This article aims to consider the modern myth as an object of scientific research and pedagogical problem, to name the causes and stages of society mythologization, to classify the myths and to name their functions.
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The modern mythology of the vampire isn’t ancient folklore but modern “fakelore” that has developed over the past two centuries.
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The basis for understanding the modern myth was the work of M.
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Adopting an interdisciplinary thrust, though informed by the anthropological imperative of dealing with modern myth, this chapter will spell out the broad framework befitting a convergence of the conventional reasoning with the content and discontent of development, as well as the unconventional engagement with the enchanting anchors and moorings, the cultural artifacts of development, and constitution of psychic inclination to the developmental mythologies.
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Modern mythology is an instrument of socialization of a mass man, and manipulation of his consciousness.
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The main cultural stereotypes in the image of men are identified, the role of advertising in the contemporary media discourse is shown through the introduction of modern myths into media texts and the production of mythologeme.
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In this paper I critically discus this modern myth and analyze the political and economic consequences of adopting it as the main guideline in economic and social policy.
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The post-modern myth of aliens visiting the Earth by unidentified flying objects, engendered new religious movements; however, it is silent about the aliens’ stellar origins, while the new religions do not encourage adherents to visit the aliens’ abodes.
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The special role of the mass media in modern mythmaking is based on their function of "doubling" the reality.
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This allows for the further analyzing and development of topical issues such as national identity and its ties with religious tradition in the modern era, when religious reality loses credibility and has many competitors, one of which is the modern myth of the nation.
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Three questions about religiosity and three about education were included, as well as the Attitudes Towards Women Survey and the Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression.
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In this chapter, by examining narratives on making liquor, we will explain how modern myth-like stories contribute to the branding strategies of liquor companies and their products.
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