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A comparison of the mixing thermodynamics of the antifluorite-structured Mg2Si1−xGex, Mg2Sn1−xGex and Mg2Si1−xSnx alloys from first principles

Unveiling the strong dependence of the α-relaxation dispersion on mixing thermodynamics in binary glass-forming liquids.

Effect of Temperature on Physical Properties of Canadian Maple (Acer saccharum marsh) Syrup

Effect of atomic configuration and spin-orbit coupling on thermodynamic stability and electronic bandgap of monolayer 2H-Mo1-xWxS2 solid solutions.

More Mixing Thermodynamics sentence examples

Towards understanding the mechanism of fibrous texture formation during high-moisture extrusion of meat substitutes

Phase stability of three-dimensional bulk and two-dimensional monolayer As1-x Sb x solid solutions from first principles.

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Mixing Thermodynamics