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Martian Nakhlite sentence examples within martian nakhlite meteorite

New temperature and oxygen fugacity data of Martian nakhlite from Northwest Africa (NWA) 5790 and implications for sulphur degassing depth

New temperature and oxygen fugacity data of Martian nakhlite from Northwest Africa (NWA) 5790 and implications for shallow sulphur degassing

A New Constraint on the Physicochemical Condition of Mars Surface during the Amazonian Epoch Based on Chemical Speciation for Secondary Minerals in Martian Nakhlites

Apatite from NWA 10153 and NWA 10645—The Key to Deciphering Magmatic and Fluid Evolution History in Nakhlites

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Cooling history and emplacement of a pyroxenitic lava as proxy for understanding Martian lava flows

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Martian Nakhlite