Introduction to Martian Lithosphere
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Here we systematically explore the effects of crust material properties (specifically thermal conductivity and density) on the thermal and mechanical structure of the Martian lithosphere.
Here we systematically explore the effects of crust material properties (specifically thermal conductivity and density) on the thermal and mechanical structure of the Martian lithosphere.
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Here we model the deflection of the Martian lithosphere and show that the present‐day mantle heat flow cannot exceed 7 mW m in the north polar region of Mars.
Here we model the deflection of the Martian lithosphere and show that the present‐day mantle heat flow cannot exceed 7 mW m in the north polar region of Mars.
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More Martian Lithosphere sentence examples
As water can influence the rheological structure of the Martian lithosphere, we investigated the sensitivity of the elastic thickness of the lithosphere to water using recent laboratory data.
As water can influence the rheological structure of the Martian lithosphere, we investigated the sensitivity of the elastic thickness of the lithosphere to water using recent laboratory data.
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Martian Lithosphere